Chapter 15

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"Oh sure why not." I shrug. She smiles and nods. After sometime she leaves to go with her friends and I stay in bed with Nugget and just play with her since she's so cute and I love her so much. Passing time with that I look at my phone and see it's time for dinner. Getting off my bed I give Nugget her dinner and then go and get mine since I haven't eat today. Getting down I sit with Ben and he smiles at me and I smile back and start eating. Audrey sits with us and glares at the villains and then wraps her arms around Ben and I raise an eyebrow. Finishing dinner quickly I head to my dorm and get out of my clothes. Coming out of the bathroom I lay down in bed while Nugget lays in her bed and I hum smiling I fall asleep.

((Next Day))

Waking up I get up and go to the bathroom and take a shower because why not. Coming out of the shower I dry my body off and then get my clothes on and then do my makeup. Once my makeup is done I brush my hair and then take Nugget outside so she can go to the bathroom.

((Alexis's outfit!!))

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((Alexis's outfit!!))

((Alexis's outfit!!))

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((Alexis's shoes!!))

((Alexis's makeup!!))

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((Alexis's makeup!!))

Staying outside with Nugget I push my hair back and just watch Nugget sniff around. Smiling she comes back over and we head inside the school, so we can get started with this day.

Jay's Pov

Walking around school with the gang we pass some lockers and people look at us giving us a small glare and I roll my eyes at them. Trying to get to our class I see Alexis by her locker with Ben talking about something while her dog Nugget is laying on the floor. Going pass them Nugget lifts her head and wags her tail when I walk by and I just give her a look and then continue on with my day. Today's the day where I'm gonna prove to Chad that Carlos and I will be able to be on Tourney because we're VKs and we know how to be rough. Shaking my head I go to class and take my seat in the back like normal for the last couple of days since clearly no one wants us around especially Audrey and Chad they clearly despise us for some reason and it's annoying. Soon Mal comes in and takes her seat next to me and huffs. "This is ridiculous." She mumbles. I nod slowly and watch more kids come in and Alexis comes in with a pretty purple dress.

Looks pretty on her. She sits in front of us and Nugget lays down and I look at Nugget licking herself and not gonna lie she's a cutie. Soon Carlos comes in and sees the dog and freaks out. "I'm so sorry! I'll take her back to her room." Alexis says leaving with Nugget, but she had a sad look on her face and I think Carlos feels bad. He sits next to Evie and looks at her. "I feel bad now." He mumbles under his breath. "Why?" I ask looking at him. "Because Alexis has to put her dog in her room." He explains. I nod slowly and just lean back in my chair. Class begins and Alexis isn't back yet which is weird because shes usually back by now. In the middle of class she comes in and takes her seat and writes down her notes.

She taps her foot constantly and I notice she starts shaking slightly and she keeps looking over to Chad who's looking at her constantly and I raise an eyebrow. What happened between them too? Taking a deep breath I continue doing my work even though I don't want to. When I finish I see Alexis really shaking and I raise an eyebrow she raises her hand and ask going to the bathroom and the teacher nods. She leaves immediately with her stuff making me and Evie giving a small look at each other. Time goes by and class finishes up and we leave and head to our lockers and I see Alexis on a bench with Ben hugging her and comforting her. I wonder what's going on with her. She looks up and meets my eyes and I do something I'd never thought I'd do and I smile at her and she gives a very weak one. I hope she's doing okay. Going to my locker I put my stuff away and soon Chad walks over to me. "Ready to lose villain?" He laughs leaning against the lockers as my friends walk over. "You mean you? Because I'm really ready to put you in your place." I laugh at him. He rolls his eyes. "You'll never beat me." Chad scowls at me.

Shaking my head we start getting in verbal words and soon we get pushed away from each other before I throw my fist at him. "Stop it Chad! And actually be nice for once." Alexis says staying between us. "I don't know why I should listen to you." He narrows his eyes at her. She stays quiet and takes a deep breath. "Just stop okay Chad? No one really appreciates it besides you and Audrey and it's getting annoying." She growls. He rolls his eyes at her and gives a look. Evie, Mal and Carlos left when Chad started getting ready to punch because they had class. "Whatever." He growls and shoves her into the locker and leaves.

Wow, guess not all Auradons are nice to each other. "You okay?" I ask as I pick her books up gently and help her up. "Y-yeah." She says collecting herself and rubbing her arms. "Are you hurt?" I ask. She shakes her head no. "Okay here's your books." She nods and thanks me while taking her books.

Well Chad's being rude to Alexis! And can we give Jay a big round of applause because he literally made sure she was okay after Chad!! AND he was worried somewhat for her!! Please comment and vote!!

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