Chapter 8

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((A picture of Alexis and Evie!!))

"I heard the blue hair dumbo is with Ben's sister Alexis in her room." Audrey mumbles. I raise an eyebrow. How dare you call Evie dumbo. "I can't believe Alexis would actually allow a villain in her room." Audrey goes on. Mal and us walk pass Audrey and Mal gives Audrey a slight shove as we make our way to Alexis's room where ever it is. While we're in the girls dorm section we see Ben walking around with the Fairy Godmother. "Ben where's your sister's room? We're looking for Evie." Mal says. He tells us where his sister's room is and we leave not saying thank you. Walking to the door I look at it and see it's not really decorated only has her name written fancy. We open the door and walk in to see her and Evie talking about Evie's book. Taking in her features for the first time, she's tan, with deep dark brown eyes almost making them look puppy like and she has long brown hair. Her voice is angelic and sweet not gonna lie and she has a sweet laugh.

Alexis's Pov

"Hope we're not interrupting anything." Mal's voice rings through my ears. Looking up I see the rest of Evie's friends standing there and I look at them and my eyes lock with Jay's eyes until I pull away when he gives a small smirk at me. "Oh well....kinda." Evie says. "What were you doing Evie?" Carlos asks looking between me and her. "Oh! I was showing Alexis my fashion book and getting her opinions on it." She claps her hands together. They nod and Mal raises an eyebrow at me being slightly skeptical of me. "And did it go well?" Jay asks. Ahh so that's what he sounds like. "Amazing Jay! Oh Alexis! Would you be willing to be my official second opinion about my outfits?!" Evie smiles grabbing my hands gently in hers. "Oh uh....sure...I have no problem with that." I give a small smile back. "Thank you so much Alexis!" Evie says hugging me really tight and I hug back giving a small laugh. "No problem Evie." She pulls away and I smile.

"Does this make us friends?" Evie asks with hope in her eyes. Looking at her friends I can tell they're waiting for my answer and I think for a moment. "Yes this makes us friends." I smile. "I made my first friend here!" She jumps up and down squealing. "Thank you so much Alexis! You're so sweet." She pulls me up in another big bone crushing hug. "You're welcome Evie, and you're a very sweet girl too." I smile after we pull out of the hug. She nods and grabs her book. "See you later Alexis!" She waves leaving with her friends. Jay is the last one to leave and he turns back taking one last look at me and I give him a small smile and he just nods and leaves shutting my door. Sitting in bed I see it's dinner time and just as I'm about get ready to leave, Mom, Dad and Ben come in with food. "We're eating in here remember?" Dad asks. I nod sitting back down and start eating the food they brought us and we just talk about random stuff.

"You ready for our sibling day tomorrow after school?" Ben smiles. "Yes I am." I smile back. Dinner finishes up a couple minutes later and I hug them goodnight and I get ready for bed. Taking my makeup off I brush my teeth and wash my face then lay down in bed falling asleep.

((Next Day))

Waking up today is classes and I don't really want to go, but oh well, it's life of an Auradon student. Getting up I go to the bathroom and get ready for bed. Putting on a yellow dress I brush my hair and quickly do my makeup and then walk out. Spraying my vanilla/rose perfume I put on matching shoes and grab my book bag and head to my first class.

((Alexis's dress!!))

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((Alexis's dress!!))

((Alexis's shoes!!))

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((Alexis's shoes!!))

((Alexis's makeup!!))

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((Alexis's makeup!!))

Going to my locker I grab my books for the day and I see Evie and she walks over to me hugging me slightly. "Morning Alexis!" She smiles in her cheerful self. "Morning Evie." I smile back. She leaves heading back to her friends and I see Jay looking at me through the corner of his eye.....or at least I think he is, but I'm not entirely sure.

Evie finally has a friend in Auradon!! How nice of Alexis to be so sweet to her!! And we see you Jay we see you!! Please comment and vote!!

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