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ruby.gillis: sunsets with josie🌤🍂💗
tagged @josiepye

20,386 likes & 6,496 comments

josiepye: i love you rubes💓

ruby.gillis: @josiepye i love you more♥️

ashirley: cutest blondies alive🥰

cxlemack: @ashirley THAT IS VERY OFFENSIVE

jerrybaynerd: and i oop- ^^

dibarry: adorable <3

gblythe: the sky is stunning

jxneandrews: @csloane I WANT TO DO THIS

csloane: @jxneandrews WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME WOMAN

bigmood: chill out there kids ^^

tils: @bigmood you can't say much

ruby.gillis: woah guys we didn't want to start drama here pls refrain yourselves... 😑

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