20. Saving the company

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Sorry for lame chapter. 

Forth's POV

"Beam calm down." I said pulling Beam apart from Sam.

He didn't resit and freed himself form Sam after giving him death glare. If looks can kill then Sam would have died then and there only. I ask one of employee to lock Sam up in my office and we will deal with him later. First I need to save my baby's company from falling.

After Beam was calm enough and took his respective seat I began,"Before going further I will ask all of you once again, why did all of you want to break the deal off with Baramee Inc. and I want a reasonable explanation."

After moment of pure silence one person who was almost same age as me, I guess his name was Sean or something, spoke,"I don't want to do business with a fag."

I raised a brow and said."Really? Define the word "fag", will ya?"

He didn't respond.

"See, you can't even define this simple three letter word, so how can you take big decision like this." I said.

"Excuse me!!?? How does defining this word has to do anything with the business decision I take!!??" he said getting furious.

"My point exactly, how does one being homosexual has to do anything with business?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, this is just so wrong. It's not natural." he said again.

"Again, define natural."

"A boy can only love and marry a girl and a girl can only love a boy and marry him. Boy loving and marrying boy and girl loving a girl and marrying her is so not right." he said.

"You didn't answer my question yet, define natural." I said in loud voice, his stupid ranting was making me loose my mind.

"Well, natural is boy can impregnate a girl, whereas girl cannot impregnate a girl and boy cannot do the same." he said getting frustrated now. I know the people of his kind and I also know how to deal with him. I have deal with people like him a lot in past.

"Hmm...so you are saying a boyxgirl gets married only to have babies? Not because of love and the thought of spending their whole life with the person they love?" I said.

I waited for his response but he said nothing. Actually no one was saying  anything except for him. And now I know the reason why others people were asking for breaking deal off with us.

I resume,"If I am correct then I think there are millions of straight couple on this earth who get married but for some medical reason they cannot make baby of their own. So they go for adoption, surrogacy or sperm donating thing, which we homosexual people also do. How does it make us any different?"

"I know, but it is just so wrong. I mean how can a boy fall in love with boy? It's so.."

"Do you watch porn?" I said cutting him in between.

"Huh!! What kind of question is that?" he said getting agitated. 

"As simple as it sounds. So, do you watch porn?" I said smirking a bit.


"What kind of?" I said.

"What does me watching porn have to do anything with the business." he was now fuming in anger.

"Again, how does one being homosexual has to do anything with business? So, either you answer my this question or previous one." I said looking directly into his eyes.

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