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Lisa P.O.V.

Dinner with our friends was awkward. Jennie made sure I was far from Jeon as possible. Jisoo couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation. Which made Jennie constantly giving Jisoo death glares.
The boy's were making jokes through out dinner trying to ease the tension.
I on the other hand kept my head down to avoid any eye contact. I heard Jeon voice every once in awhile. I was tempted to look up but I was still embarrassed that everybody caught us in inappropriate position.
"This is delicious! Where did Mrs. Park order this from?" Jin commented on the food.
"Right! I'm glad that you guys ruined dinner because this is amazing!" J hope said after Jin.
"Are we planning to watch a movie or play a game after this?" Rose asked.
"Let's play a game." Jimin answered.
"My games are all in the room. I can go get them." Jeon said.
"Do you want somebody to help you get them?" V asked.
I looked up at V at his comment and he was smirking at Jeon.
RM lifted his hand and hit V on the back of his head.
"Yah.. that hurts." He whined.
"Maybe you should shut the hell up then!" Jennie scowled V.
"Why do you always have to yell at my friends?" Suga asked Jennie. Everybody eyes were on the two eyeing each other.
I felt a pair of eyes on me and turn to see Jeon looking at me. His eyes had warmth in them. He must know how awkward I feel.
"I'll takeV suggestion. Lalice come with me?" Jeon spoke out which startled everybody.
"Umm I think Jisoo can help." I tell him not looking at him.
"Oh no, I know a awkward situation when I see one. You Lalisa go." Jisoo barked back.
"Jisoo, do not let Lisa go anywhere private with that little boy." Jennie yelled.
Jisoo ignore her comment. "Lisa go. It's okay. If you take longer than five minutes we will get you two. So no funny business."
My eyes widen as she push me up from the chair.
"Jisoooo!" Jennie gasp.
"Jennie, she's a big girl. Have you not notice how these two been all night. We are making them feel bad. We are making it worse for them." Jisoo shook her head in disappointment in Jennie. "You two get the games. Jennie you eat." I was surprised Jisoo defended Jeon and I. I was surprised Jennie just turn to her plate and ate.
Jeon and I slowly walked away from the group.

We walked upstairs into Jeon room, and my cheeks were red from thinking about what just happen in the room.

"Are you okay?" Jeon asked me.
I looked up and saw his concern face. "Yeah, it was just they caught us like that. I'm a little embarrassed." I explained to him.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean for us to get heated up. I'll be careful for now on." He tells me.
"For now on....?" I tilted my head in processing what he was saying.
"Well I mean if we get ourselves in that kind of situation again, I'll be careful." He was flustered.
I nod my head in understanding.
I been very shy about our kisses and I never really made the first move to kiss. I guess I wasn't sure if I was good. I wanted to know if he enjoyed our kisses.. but I was always afraid to ask.
But this was a whole new level of kissing, and I need to know if itwas it good.
I know it sounds silly to know if I was good. But I always been competitive and perfectionist. And when it comes to Jeon for some reason his opinion matters.
"Umm can I ask you something? And after you answer we can forget about it?"
His eye brows knitted together in confusion.
"Umm do I kiss well?" He looked shock at my question. "Like do you enjoy them? I mean, since you are the first guy I kissed and I don't know how to read you to see if you like it." I continue to ask. He still haven't said anything so I continue talking. "Like kissing is one thing. But that make out session in the bed, I'm a beginner and I didn't know if I did that well." I decided to stop talking because I was just rambling like an idiot.
Jeon shock face started to turn into a smirk on his lip.
He walked up to me and help my face.
"If I didn't enjoy kissing you, I wouldn't think about your lips all day. I wouldn't think of ways of how I can kiss you again." And he took a deep breath and chuckles. "You really couldn't tell if I enjoy what just happen in this room?" He took a moment to have me answer. I shook my head no. "What am I going to do with you?" This time he whispers looking down. His eyes went to my eyes. "Lalice, when a girl kiss a guy like that and if he enjoyed it something happens to his body. And I'm sure you felt it."

I took a step back from him and gasp at what he just said.


"What you asked." He shrugs his shoulders.

My face was definitely a shade of a tomato.
He turned to grab a couple of games. And had me three. Before we walked out the room he stops and looks over.

"Why are you still questioning things about you and I? Have I not done enough to show you how perfect you are? I really wish you can see how amazing you are at everything you do." He leans toward me and gives me a peck on the cheek and leaves me in the room with my thoughts.

I have no idea why I question myself when it comes to him. He hasn't given me a reason to not think I'm good. He actually compliments everything I do. He actually reassure that when I do my best that's all that matter.

I guess I practice every thing I normally do, like dance and school work. But the things we have done is not My every day routine. Well the kissing is starting to be.
I guess if it's something different, I get self conscious about. But like always he always reassured me just do my best.

Jeon has seriously made me worry less about things and I don't know If that's a good thing or bad.

Jeon has seriously made me worry less about things and I don't know If that's a good thing or bad

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Okay first thing first, I know it sound like Lisa is shy and naive but she's really not. The point is she is still trying to trust Kookie and just like BTS message, she needs to understand to be perfect you have love yourself with a your insecurities. She hides her insecurities so she is perfect in other eyes but soon she realized something.

Ohhh.. and please vote on MAMA award. BLACKPINK is loosing.

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