I've never for a second doubted what a great dancer I am. I focus so much on being the best, I don't even know what it's like to have a life. Well, to me dancing is life and life is dancing, which is my motto of course. I was born to dance and I live only for dance. I don't know a thing about going shopping or to the movies with friends even though I have a lot of friends, well if you count the people I dance with. Everyone at school sees me as the shy, stuck up girl because I have no interest in making friends, even though I've been there since I was thirteen which is a quite a while considering I'm seventeen now.
I'm very anxious today. I finally got accepted for an audition for the Winter Dance Academy. It's really the hardest dance school to get into, and I've been on the waiting list for auditions for six years now. Like I said, it's hard to get into. I have to be at my best or I'll never have another shot at getting in.
I've been up since 2 a.m practising my fouettées, pirouettes and grand jetées. I want to give a mind blowing performance. I've been working on this piece for so long, I could do it in my sleep. I want to be a professional dancer and I'll stop at nothing and let no one get in my way.
Mom tells me I can take the day off from school and spend the day at dance class. It took hours of begging and some tears before she finally gave in but it was all worth it.
We drive up to The Pointe School of Dance, my place of worship since I was two years old, when I just started dancing. It's now a few minutes past seven and I've only had an orange for my breakfast. Dancers always eat very light before a big performance, and today was no different for me. In fact, today might be my start of many huge performances.
I practise for hours before my dance teacher, Mrs. Fletcher, tells me I should relax. I however disobey her and continue for another half an hour. When my mom comes to pick me up, I'm exhausted. Everyone at the dance studio wishes me good luck. I'm not the least bit nervous because I know what a great dancer I am.
When I reach home, I eat a banana and drink a glass of orange juice before taking a shower and getting dressed. I choose a suit of full pink; a leotard, tutu, tights and pointe shoes (which I don't put on until I'm at the audition). I do my long dark brown hair in a lovely ballerina bun, adding a pink ribbon to it. I put on dull pink lipstick trying not to take attention from my ocean blue-green eyes. I head to the car and Mom follows with my dance bag. We drive in silence towards our destination.
I see a huge pink and purple sign saying Winter Dance Academy, and I immediately feel nervous. I want to tell my mother to turn the car around and that I no longer want to go to the audition, but I fight the urge.
What are you afraid of? You are an amazing dancer. They'll love you. In fact, they'll adore you.
I'm so lost in thoughts that I didn't even realize when the car is parked.
"River, don't you plan on coming out of the car?", my mother asks me with a confused look on her face.
She's forty-six now and doesn't look a day over twenty-five. I'm her only child and she devotes all her time on making sure I reach my goals.
"I wish Dad was here", I say as I step out of the car.
My mother only sighs as she closes the car door behind me. She carries my bag and we both walk towards the auditorium in silence.
Mom doesn't like talking about my dad. Whenever I say anything about him, she just sighs or pretends not to hear.
A few years ago my Dad cheated on her with a much younger woman. That woman, Caroline, is now his wife and they have four year old twin girls together, Cassie and Callie. Even though I'm still upset with Dad for breaking my mother's heart, I can't help but loving my little sisters to death. My stepmother even makes it hard for me to hate her too. She's really nice once you get pass the fact that she stole my dad from Mom.
We show the necessary identification to get into the audition where I see many amazing dancers but I still don't feel inferior.
I wait with all the dancers and stretch so I can be at my best.
"River Daniels", the announcer calls out.
I gather my résumé and walk gracefully into the room. I stand in front of the judges and give them a quick curtsey.
"Name?", one of the judges say in a harsh scolding tone.
"River Daniels", I say with a beaming smile plastered onto my face, not letting his tone of voice get the best of me.
"I am Leon de Leon, the owner of Winter Dance Academy. This is Amelia Fields and Natalie Archer, two of my best choreographers. Don't bore us."
The music starts playing and I immediately start my routine. I begin to really enjoy myself and instead of finishing my routine, I start to improvise. I come to an end with five à la secondes into twelve pirouettes.
All three judges stand and applaud me.
"Wonderful", they keep repeating.
At that moment I know I was accepted.
When I receive my acceptance letter two weeks later, I'm not surprised at all.

River Dancer
Teen FictionAll River Daniels ever wanted to do was dance. She never saw herself not being a dancer. When she is accepted to Winter Dance Academy, one of the most prestigious dance schools in the country, she doesn't hesitate one bit about going there. She is s...