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Chapter Song: Preacher Man- The Driver Era

Nobody was home, which I was thankful for. I heard the padding of our dog's steps against the wood floor. I walked over to greet her and find a treat to give her. After petting her for a few minutes I went downstairs to shower and get ready for tonight.

Our whole group of friends decided to go to the carnival this year surprisingly. I forced Riley to go with me last year, using the excuse that she needed to go out since her boyfriend at the time broke up with her. We saw Liam and the boys, but they were with the lacrosse boys.

Only this year was different. I had Cal. He asked to meet me there since he had to help his brother in the city with something after he had lunch. I agreed immediately since today's events happened I needed some alone time. Although, I would much rather talk to him about it before the carnival than after.

I let the hot water droplets hit my back in a melodic tune thinking about how I was going to tell everyone what happened today. Do I tell Liam I saw her? I didn't know how I was going to explain this to my dad. He's going to freak. Would I even tell him? Should I? I let out a small groan leaning my head against the cool wall. The thing would be so much better if she never showed up. If only she continued to pretend we didn't exist.

All the years spent at swim meets. Wasted on nothing. He was going to be so disappointed. I gave up thousands of dollars, a college career, and a piece of me. I sighed as I turn the faucet off and reached for my towel.

The water was turning cold, which made me realize I had been in there a lot longer than I had planned to be. I needed to get dressed fast if I was going to be on time. I could think about all of this later and have time to process everything, but not now. Now I had to get ready and be a normal teenager.

I decided on denim shorts a loose white tank top high top vans and a leather jacket. It was still a little chilly at night, and I didn't know if Cal was bringing a jacket that I could steal. I braided half of my hair away from my face and let the rest fall into its natural wave. I topped off my look off with a little makeup and headed out the door getting a text from Riley.

 where r u??

on my way

hurry before I eat all the cotton candy

you better not


I got there and aimlessly walked around scoping out the attractions. They really went all out this year I had to admit that I was impressed. I found Riley, Tyler, and Liam over by the ring toss games and joined them. How did Ty beat me here? 

"How was the meet?" Liam asked throwing another ring.

I looked at Tyler suspiciously he said nothing but just nodded. It seemed like he hadn't told anyone. As surprising as that was I was glad. I always knew Tyler was good at keeping things to himself I just didn't expect him to stay silent for long. Sooner or later one of us would spill. I was just hoping to get the chance before him, but not at this very moment.

"It was good." I responded giving Tyler a slight nod having a silent understanding.

"She's was practically offered a scholarship by Berkeley today," Tyler chimed in.

"No way!" Riley squealed grabbing my hand.

I just nodded and agree with the lie. It's not like I wanted to agree to the lie, especially to my brother and best friend. I just wanted to have fun tonight with everyone and not worry about the life-altering decision I just made earlier today.

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