Chapter Five

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~* Lexi *~

“You. Come here,” Lilith demanded at me. She was not one to disobey, but I wouldn’t have anyway. Her and I had a deal. One I was grateful for.

“How may I serve you?”

“An excellent question because that is exactly what I need you to do. Your time to be useful is near. Your husband too.”

“The humans still have him in jail from your last request of us.”

“A pity really. Who would have guessed the humans would have minded something so-”

“Evil?” I finished for her. It was the wrong answer.

“I was going to say genius. No matter, he will be out soon enough. Yes, I do know about that. Anyway, your friend, Daniel. I need you to go start hanging out with him again. Normal human friendship stuff. That shouldn’t be a problem, should it?”

“Daniel? Wait, what does he have to do with this? You aren’t going to hurt him too are you?” I didn’t not agree for my non-biological brother to be a part of this deal.

“Relax girl. He has nothing to do with any of this. He’s merely a person of interest right now.”

“You didn’t say you wouldn’t hurt him either.”

“Smart girl. I did not, nor will,” Lilith’s pause made me uneasy though at first I wasn’t sure why. Then I saw it. Her eyes had changed from their usual golden brown hue to blood red. “Unless of course, my darling, you would like to make an additional deal.”

“N-No!” My answer came quickly, but still with enough pause that the red blood began to drip from Lilith’s eyes. I had already learned that lessoned. You never make a deal with a demon. Let alone the mother of them…us…all. “How will I even find him after all this time?”

“What a pity…No matter. I knew you weren’t going to agree. And yet I hoped. Get close to the boy again. He’s at his mother’s house. And do see yourself out.”

I watched as she used her bat like wings to go further into her lair. I had never been further than this front room though. I still had to work my way up through her circle. As she had reminded me, I hadn’t yet been useful to her. I sighed, and left as I had been told.

I definitely had tunnel vision as I walked to find Daniel. It took several minutes of my name being called before I realized it was for me. An actual attempt to get my attention. I looked around, slightly confused. I wasn’t sure how I had gotten this far already and the guy walking up to me that new my name was someone I barely knew.

“Lexi, wait up, would you?” He called.

‘Act human,’ I reminded myself quietly. I stopped and waited for him to catch up. “S-Sorry,” I said, trying to sound as though I really was along with the normal nervousness I had observed some humans would from not noticing someone trying to get their attention for this long. He had only been calling me for about the last block or so. I think.

“You heading to the church again tonight?” He asked while I was struggling to remember who he was. That explained where he knew me from, but who was he? Once he caught up, I began walking again, him now able to keep my pace at my side.

“Is that where you know me from? I’m not sure,” I said, hesitating at the end, hoping he’d fill in the blank for me.

“Yes. I’m Jason. You don’t remember me?” He asked, sounding slightly wounded.

“Sorry, only kinda.” ‘No, I have an assignment which you are not part of, insignificant human boy.’

“So where are you headed now then?” Kind of a bold question to someone who just admitted they had no idea who you were.

“Uh, to my brother’s house. Why?”

“No reason. Can I come?”

“I don’t even know if he’s going to be home yet,” I said honestly. He was still following me when I stepped over the guard rail that blocked off the dirt road we had all played in when we were kids. There was another guard rail on the other side, and next to the dirt road was the too familiar fence that went around my “brother’s” family home. I tried to think of what I would even say if he was home.

“Lexi? You’re back in town?” I heard Daniel say. He was already sitting outside in his grandfather’s van. With some girl.

“Who’s that?” She asked, barely looking up from the laptop in her lap.

“Lexi, this is Kayden. Kayden, Lexi,” Daniel said cheerfully, introducing us without answering both of our question as to who the other was.

“I am. Nice to meet you Kayden.” I said, uninterested in her. She wasn’t a part of this mission.

“Cool,” Daniel said, he seemed to be happy I was around and didn’t question much else, which I was extremely grateful for. The truth was, I had been back in town for quite some time and just hadn’t been interested in seeing him.

“Kaye, actually. So, how do you two know each other?” Her tone was friendly enough, but I knew she was feeling anything but welcoming towards my sudden appearance. It wasn’t too surprising; she was likely the flavor of the week and my brother always cheated.

“Lexi grew up in the house next door. She was practically my sister especially-”

He cut himself off abruptly, not wanting to tell her my business for me. On one hand, I was grateful on the other, I really didn’t care what she thought of me or my family either. “After my father went to prison? Yeah, I was over here fairly often,” I finished for him.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She said, closing the laptop finally.

“I mean, its fine. He did it so,” I shrugged. I know most people wouldn’t have kept in touch with a father who had done what mine had but I spoke to him every night.

“Who’s your friend?” Daniel asked. I forgot he was still following me around like the lost little dog he was.

“I’m Jason. I met Lexi at the church.”

“You go to church now?” Daniel asked amused. Jason and I both laughed too.

“No, its also the homeless shelter.” Jason answered for us both.

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