Chapter Twenty Three

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~* Lexi *~

Daniel hadn't come home yet. I wasn't too worried at first; it wasn't uncommon behavior from him. I had been hoping the child would change that, but he proved otherwise quickly.

Or so I had thought. After about a week, I had to say, I started to grow concerned. I wasn't about to start calling his family either though. That was such a human thing to do. Plus, it wasn't like he could stand them that long anyway.

Once more, everything in the room froze, my son included. The half second warning before She would appear.

"You still haven't found him?" She asked, appearing on my couch. She never had an issue making herself comfortable.

"I hate it when you do that...just appearing. Making the baby freeze too. He's half demon, you know. Might as well not."

"You still haven't given the horrid little creature a name either?"

"No. I haven't. I figured Daniel would, honestly. Why do I get the feeling you know something? I know you didn't take him. Didn't find him worthy. do know something, don't you?"

"He's in hell, darling," she casually began filing her long nails...claws really. I swear she enjoyed pushing my buttons. "But, no, I didn't take him. You're right, I don't want him. I need the truly evil. Not pathetic dogs."

"Like me?"

"You weren't even truly evil when I grabbed you. You were merely desperate and I knew you'd have a use later. You're rather disappointing though. Playing human wife. Pathetic!"

I growled at her, but a sharp look quickly reminded me of my place. "Be smart. You've always known what I thought of your desire to be human. I do still have use of you, but you're also easily replaceable. Not that you're doing any work anyway. Except taking care of the horrid creature..."

"What else do you want from me?" I knew it was a dangerous question, but so was not being useful. It was a loose- loose and I knew it. I just wish I had known before I ever even made a deal with her!

"You're supposed to be stopping them! And you know that! But do you even know where any of them are? No. You don't anymore. We had the one that Daniel loved, but then you took him and we lost her. We were supposed to still use him as a means so you could play human a while longer. But he is gone, and is no longer useable. I will find the girl for you. But you need to stop pretending you're a human! You have work to do!"

"Yes, Lilith. Of course I do. And what would you like me to do with him when I need to take care of things?"

"I don't care, put him in a closet or something, I'm sure he'll be fine." I shot daggers at her, just to make it clear she wasn't amusing. She wasn't playing any more either though. She pushed me up on the wall, her tone completely changing and reminding me exactly who I was dealing with here. The mother of all demons.

"Listen here, little girl. It was a joke. Second, you forget how easy it would be for me take away all of this. I haven't approved of your desire to be one of those disgusting humans, but I have allowed it. Have I made myself clear? Or do you have any more smart little remarks to make and death glares to waste on me?"

"No. You've made yourself perfectly clear."

"Good. For that, you have a week to find the girl. Or that dreadful creature will end up with his sister."

As quickly as she appeared she was gone again. I spat on the floor where she had just been moments before. The baby started to cry. I had guessed right; he was noticing the time stops. Maybe she wasn't as clever as she had thought after all.

A week to find her wasn't too bad either. Maybe it would be enough time to track down whoever had killed Daniel too. Lilith didn't say I couldn't play anymore. I attempted to calm the boy. He never did settle down for Daniel this quickly either.

"He knows..." I mumbled, bouncing him, cutting myself off to make shushing noises at him. He knew Daniel was different from us. An almost sadness passed over me, as Lilith's words set in. It quickly turned to anger. He was mine.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I asked him, putting him into the silly carrier I could use to put him on my back. Maybe it was less silly then I though when Daniel wanted to get it. Or maybe I cared more about him than I had thought?

'No,' I realized to myself, locking the front door with nothing more than my hand. 'Impossible. Demons barely love at all, let alone humans.'

It couldn't be that. But whoever it was still had to pay.

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