Chapter 4

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Midoriya's POV

I slowly crept out of the bathroom, turning the lights off behind me. Shoto was waiting for me next to the door. "Come here." I walked over to him. He handed me a small cup filled with pink liquid. "Take this, it should help with that fever you have." I sniffed the liquid, it smelled sweet, then drank it. It tasted sweet too. I held out the cup and he took it. "Follow me." He said, opening the door and walking out.

I kept up, slowly though. I followed him down a long hallway, we took a few turns till we ended up in a dining room. A delicious smell filled my nose and I smiled. He pulled out a chair and asked me to sit down. I did as he told me. In front of me was a plate of soup and a glass of water. "Do you like chicken noodle soup?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I-I've never had it." I admit.

"Well go on, try it." He said, taking a seat too. I looked at the soup, then reach out for the spoon, taking a small sip. My face lit up and I continued to eat till there was nothing left. "Im guessing you liked it." He smiled. I nod in agreement before sneezing. "Looks like that fever of yours is going to get worse before it gets better." I look at him sheepishly, my eyes slowly closing. "Looks like the medicine is kicking in." He rose and pulled my seat out. He then began to pick me up and carry me. I didn't even have the energy to tremble, I could only lay against him, limp.

We arrived back at the bedroom where he laid me down on the soft bed. He then began to cover me with the warm comforter. I melted into the fabrics. The world was a daze and I was slowly fading into a deep sleep, "Sleep well, Midoriya."

Meanwhile at the Bakugo estate...


"Katsuki!" Mitsuki yelled throughout the halls, "Come here now!"

Bakugo yelled back and made his way to his mother. "What." He gritted through his teeth.

"What? What!?" Mitsuki asked as she smacked him over the head, "What did you do!? Where is Midoriya!? Have you gone mad and killed another one!? I'm not going to keep buying them for you, Katsuki!"

"Hell if I know, threw his body out yesterday, went back to check and the damn bastard was gone." He growled, rubbing his head. "And don't hit me, you old hag!"

Mitsuki sighed roughly. "Ive just gotten one more. This will be the last one too." She was furious. "Maybe I can show you some damn responsibility."

"Another one!? They are annoying enough!" He yelled. "I don't want to deal with it!"

"Then starve, Katsuki." She said seriously.

Bakugo growled and muttered under his breath. "Fine."

Mitsuki walked over to the door and opened it. Standing there was a boy, around the same size as Katsuki. He had a decent length of red hair, red eyes and a set of sharp teeth. His skin was fair, he wore the usual white shirt and pants.

He looked around wildly before settling his eyes on Bakugo. His face nearly became as red as his hair. Mitsuki hissed in Bakugos ear, "Don't kill this one." Then she left the room, leaving the two boys alone.

Bakugo stared at his new human with indifference.

"What's your name? Speak!" Bakugo demanded.

"I-it's E-Eijiro Kirishima." The human boy stuttered.

Bakugo narrowed his eyes and walked over to the now even redder Kirishima, circling him cautiously. He sniffed his neck slowly, making his body go ridged. He slid his fingers slowly across the back of his neck as he made his way back to face him. He leaned in closer, his mouth only an inch away. Bakugo noticed his neck was tense, he grinned pleasurably as he licked from his collar bone up to his jawline, causing him to let out a small whimper. "Well this might actually be fun."

A/N: If you enjoyed this chapter, follow me and leave a like for more updates! Thanks so much for reading!

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