Chapter 10

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Midoriya's POV

"What do you mean 'She's coming early?!'" Todoroki said aggressively.

"I mean she's coming early!" His father shouted back. I stood behind Todoroki fidgeting with my fingers inside the pockets of his hoodie that he let me wear. Hopefully things will settle down, I don't like arguments. "I expect you make her feel welcome."

"Why don't you since you're the one changing the plans on me?" He snarked.

"She's you're bride to be, you are the one who needs to show her the most hospitality after all." His father replied bitterly.

Todoroki gritted his teeth. "She is not my bride to be and she never will be."

"That's not your decision to make Shoto." He said coldly. "I suggest you learn to accept that and start preparing. She'll arrive tomorrow morning."

"What!? Why nearly two months before hand?"

"That way you two can get to know each other, I figured after meeting her and getting to know her, you would grow to care for her. It would make things a lot easier if you would quit acting like such a child and start acting like the nobleman you are."

"This is why Touya left! You tried to force the same thing onto him and he left! It's your fault!" Todoroki snarled at his father, muttering something under his breath I couldn't hear. "I'm done listening to you." Todoroki grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. "Come on, Midoriya, lets go."

Once again, his father raged as Todoroki stormed out, leading me through a different set of halls. He let go of my wrist and slammed the doors behind me causing me to jump. I looked around, it was a large room filled with books from as high as the ceiling all the way to our feet, a library.

"W-what do you plan to do?" I asked nervously.

He sighed, "I'm not sure at this point. I thought I would have more time." He paced back and forth. I made myself comfortable on one of the couches, pulling my knees into my chest and hugged them.

"W-Why is your father making you marry her? Don't you have another brother?" I asked, cranking my head.

"Yes I do and as for that, I'm my fathers favorite, supposedly. He wants me to be the one to marry her since Touya left. He was supposed to be the one to do this job." He informed me.

"So he left?" He nodded. "I don't blame him. I would hate to be forced to marry someone I didn't know."

"I hate a lot things my father makes me do but this, I refuse this crap." He took in a deep breath. "I need to get my thoughts together. I can't help that she's coming tomorrow morning but I don't have to associate with her."

"What if she asks to see you?"

"I'll respectfully decline, of course. I'll tell her I'm busy."

"Won't your father make you talk to her?"

"Most likely, I'll be friendly when I greet her."

"I can't do anything to help you, obviously, but I hope you work things out." I spoke. "I don't like seeing you frustrated and upset."

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