Chapter 5: Thicker Than Water

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     The engine started revving up. Nicole was worried she had made a mistake, but what was done was done and she had to make it to Jax's in time.

"But I love you"
"I love you too"
Jax was watching a stupid zombie horror movie (one that has romance in it only for one of the people to get killed off in a supposedly heart wrenching scene) to pass the time. He was just about to hit the hay when he recieved a call from Nicole.

"You need to get out of your house now Jax!"

Jax was clearly confused

"Jax listen to me, there is someone who wants to kill you"
"Nicole I'm not-"

The call cut off. "Fuck! No service!" yelled Nicole.
She floored the car because she was worried.

When she arrived she saw a note at the door. On it was an address. "Fuck" mumbled Nicole under her breath. She ran back in the car practically shaking. She collected herself and started the car towards the place.

A giant warehouse stood upon Nicole.
"A warehouse! Great this is where every scary movies final act happens."She aggressively whispered. She was just about to go when a thought hit her. Her dad had a gun in the car's glove compartment, he was a police officer and kept one in case of extreme emergency.  She snagged the gun, and went back towards the warehouse. Nicole slowly opened the creaky door and saw a doll on a chair. It was the only thing that could be seen in the warehouse and it was smack dab in the middle. She slowly crept up to it and realized it was the doll her father gave her on the birthday before he left. She threw it away after he left out of anger, but she was confused and scared as to how it managed to appear here. She heard footsteps from behind her and saw the figure with that clown mask. She drew her gun, but the killer stood still for a couple of seconds. Nicole was shaking and couldn't aim steadily. She didn't shoot and the killer ran away in the other direction. She followed the killer hoping that she could go through with it this time, but she tripped and fell on the concrete floor. Nicole was out cold after the fall.

"Hey you're awake" Nicole heard a voice. It was Jax. Nicole was shocked, words failed to come out of her mouth. "You were out cold for some time, why were you at this warehouse?" Jax continued. Nicole was in too much pain to say anything. The paramedics were wheeling her out on a stretcher.

Nicole was taken to the hospital when she had passed out. She had hit her head on the cold pavement and it was bleeding. Nicole thought to herself, "Why was Jax there? It cant be!" She feared the worst. "What if Jax is-" she quickly dismissed the thought, she knew Jax would never. Nicole was there in the hospital for a week and a half. She finally got another visitor who wasn't her family, (Kurt didn't come to see her all the time she was in the hospital).  A voice entered the room, "How are you feeling?" Nicole recognized it, it was Veronica.

Nicole replied, "I'm fine." "Listen I'm sorry for flipping out I shouldnt have followed Serena, please don't-"  "Its fine" said Nicole. Veronica looked surprised. Veronica stood in disbelief, but suddenly the power went out. "What the heck" said Nicole. "I'll check that out" Veronica said.

Nicole waited for about 10 minutes and then decided to go look. She reluctantly took out the IVs injected into her arm.  She walked out into the dark echoey hallway. She was slowly walked when suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her. She didnt want to believe it, but of course there they were, the figure in black. She stood there as they pulled out a sharp object the figure bolted towards her. Nicole ran away limping. She saw an elevator up ahead. The person was running towards her at high speeds and she was running a hundred times slower. She finally got  herself into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. The killer was only a couple of feet away as the doors were shutting.

*Ding* The door shut and it was too close of a call. "I'm not safe anywhere." Nicole thought to herself. She remembered back to the killer's texts. She was torn with the decision of Jax or Kurt. Jax wasn't dead. She feared Kurt might be. She dreaded the thought of Kurt being gone and thought back to what she last said to Kurt. She thought back to what shes always said to Kurt. "I never appreciated him with help. Always making sure I'm safe. Today Kurt snapped at me for the first time ever."

She pushed the thoughts back In her head. The only thing she needed to think about was getting out. She tried going through the main entrance. "Where is all the fucking staff." She mumbled under her breathe. Nicole ran back to look for another exit. As she was about to go through a door she saw something in that door's window. Somebody was hiding at the side of the door. She figured it was the killer attempting a sneak attack, but not on Nicole. She busted the door hitting them. She heard a voice, "Ow!. "Oh gosh, Veronica!" Exclaimed Nicole. "What were you doing behind there?". "I was hiding from him." Veronica groaned. Nicole looked at the hallway she came from and they both saw the killer sprinting towards them. Nicole quickly closed the door.

The room was cramped and seemed like a safety hazard. There was two beds and some equipment that basically made it so the room had barely any space to move around.They started looking for an exit, the window was their only hope. Nicole opened it and tried climbing through it though it was small. "Help me through this Veronica" She said. Nicole squeezed through and made it out. Veronica came soon after. They could hear the killer trying to break the door down. Nicole tried to pull Veronica out but she wasn't budging, the window had slid further down trapping Veronica. "What the!! No No!!" Shouted Nicole. Veronica started tearing up and yelling for help while Nicole still was tugging as hard as she could.

The door busted open. Nicoles ears started ringing loudly. Veronicas screams were muffled out. She only saw Veronica scream she could not hear her or anything at all. She slowly started to lose grip of Veronicas hand. Nicole gave one last tug and she came half.

Her body was torn at the waist and her top half was now laying on the grass. She snapped out of her ear ringing and started running while heavily breathing. She ran through the meadow in the cold wind. She ran and ran without looking back.

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