Chapter 7: You Reap What You Sow

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     When Nicole picked up the note with Serena's address on it,  her heart began racing. She had to come up with a plan to escape the station. After Officer Erickson left, Nicole went up to Mary. "How come your so unfazed? You must have some resilience," said Mary. Nicole knew why she wasn't as shocked, but she didn't want to say it aloud because she felt guilty. She instead only nodded.

"You don't happen to have a bobby pin on you?" asked Nicole. Mary shook her head and asked, "Why do you need a bobby pin?" Nicole responded, "My friend is in danger." Mary stood silent and was quite shocked. Nicole looked all around for something she could pry the lock open with. There weren't many places to look for things or things she could use for that matter. She even tried to squeeze through the bars, but the gap in between them was just to small. She finally gave up and started to get angry. "Fuck!" She whispered to herself.

Nicole sat on the bench and gave up searching. As she sat down though, an idea came into her head. She hadn't thought to check under the bench. She crouched down to look and sure enough there was a butterfly hair clip. She figured it would work. There was only one small problem, she did not know how to pick a lock.

Nicole went to the cell door (if you can even call it a door since it was just bars with a lock) and put her arm around the cell bars since the lock was on the other side. She jammed the clip in the key hole and started wiggling it around. "Now, what are you doing?" asked Mary. Nicole was too focused on the lock. Mary rolled her eyes. It took Nicole a good couple of minutes before she finally got it unlocked.

Nicole looked back at Mary. "Are you coming?" asked Nicole. "Are you crazy? We'll get arrested." Nicole had no time to waste. She got out and headed towards the door that lead to the front desk. She knelt down beside the door only slightly cracking it open to examine the front desk where Erickson was.

Nicole had to create a diversion. She waited until Officer Erickson's eyes were distracted to slide the clip across the floor to the main entrance's doors. The doors detected motion, so they opened when the clip slid in front of them. Officer Erickson noticed the door opening. He got up and went to peer outside to see what could have caused it. Nicole then got up from kneeling and made a run to the door on the other side of the front desk, trying to go as stealthily and quickly as possible while Officer Erickson's back was turned.

She reached the other side of the receptionist desk and ran to the back exit of the station. There was tall grass that reached to her waist in the back exit of the station. She circled around the station to reach the street.

Nicole knew her house wasn't that far. The street was dark, but it was dimly lit thanks to the moon and street lamps. The houses surrounded her from both sides just mocking her because she just needed to reach her house. She took off running down the street.

When she reached her house no one was home. Her mom was at work and Kurt was still at his aunt's house. She remembered what the killer had said about the cops. She wasn't about to get them involved especially now that she was technically a fugitive on the run.

When Nicole got to the front door it was locked, so she grabbed the spare key under the windowsill. She quickly ran into the house and got her car keys. Nicole ran back out, not even worrying about whether she locked the door or not. She ran to her driveway and started up her car.

Nicole was sweating through her white t shirt and her running shoes' laces were untied. Her jeans were dirty with chlorophyll from running in the tall grass. For once her appearance was not what mattered, it was her friend's life.

Nicole floored the car and headed to Serena's house. When she reached a red light she would become worried and anxious for Serena's safety, but then the traffic lights would turn green and she would focus on making it to her destination.

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