Question 1

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Rachel was furious at Sebastian, for what he done to Blaine. Of course she still loves her Sebby. But he doesn't even know that. They aren't together, but Rachel loves him, and deep down she thinks he loves her too.

After what he done, he felt instantly guilty, and was worried that he would have lost his friendship with Rachel. He loves her. But she doesn't know that, but he so desperately wants her to know, but right now she can't know not after he almost blinded blaine, and the fact that she is with Finn, which he hates because of how Finn treats his pretty girl and the slushie wasn't even meant for Blaine.

Sebastian keeps pleading with Rachel to talk to him again, it wasn't until the end of warbler practice he came up with an idea to get her to talk to him and he hopes that she would agree. He messaged Rachel to meet him at the Lima bean, before he got in his car  and drove there. When he arrived he walked inside the coffee shop and saw her, he was so grateful that she agreed to meet. He walked over to her and said

"I know you're still pissed at me." Rachel looked at him and said

"Of course I am, you hurt Blaine." Sebastian was pleased that Rachel was at least talking to him and he said

"You're talking to me so that's a good sign." Rachel rolled her eyes and said

"You said you had the best idea." Sebastian sighed and said

"I do have the best idea." Rachel was worried at what his best idea could be, she was silent, as the last best idea he had landed one of her best friends in the hospital, and she was still angry at him for what he done to Blaine and now because of Sebastian, Blaine was in the hospital and is due to have eye surgery, she wanted answers, but she wasn't sure if she wanted them or could handle them, she looked down, then looked up at him and said

"Tell me." Sebastian sat back in his chair and said

"For 10 days starting today, you ask me a question about what happened and why. It can be any question you want and I will answer honestly." Rachel had to admit it was a good idea. Rachel nodded her head and said

"Interesting." Rachel thought about it and said

"I like it." Sebastian smiled as he was pleased that Rachel had agreed to his idea and got her to talk to him and hopefully with his idea it could give him courage to tell her how he feels. Rachel drank some of the coffee she ordered earlier and she asked him her first question

"What was in the slushie?" Sebastian was surprised at the question and like he promised her he answered honestly

"Rock salt, but it was only to keep it cold in transportation." Rachel was surprised at the answer he gave, she smiled at him and said

"I'll see you tomorrow for my second question." She stood up, and left. Sebastian was pleased with himself as he watched her walk away, he was grateful and happy that Rachel was finally talking to him again. He sat back in his chair smiling widely as he hoped that this will be the way to tell Rachel that he was in love with her. As he sat there watching Rachel leave, his best friend walked up to him, sat across from him and said

"What's with the smile, did you finally tell Rachel that you love her?" Sebastian looked across the table in the chair where Rachel had once sat and said

"Not even close Trent, but hopefully one day I will be able to work up the courage to tell her but I did come up with a plan to hopefully tell her my feelings and it got her to talk to me." Trent passed the second coffee he had ordered over to Sebastian and said

"Do tell." Sebastian smirked and said

"I'm letting Rachel ask me a question a day about the slushie incident with Blaine, for the next ten days and I have to answer each of her questions honestly." Trent smiled and said

"Interesting. Do tell me the questions she asks and the truthful answers you tell her, so I can make sure you aren't beating around the bush with your answers, and beating around the bush in telling her how you feel and if the plan goes lopsided." Sebastian drank some of his coffee that Trent had brought him and said

"Her first question was today actually, she asked it before you came over." Trent looked at his best friend and said

"Tell me." Sebastian sighed and said

"She asked what was in the slushy. And the truthful answer is rock salt for transportation." Trent nodded his head in agreement and said

"It was. Do you think your plan will work?" Sebastian pondered the question and said

"Of course it will Nixon. Of course it will, she's talking to me again." Trent smiled and said

"I have faith in you Smythe."

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