Question 5

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Rachel was sat in glee next to Puck, waiting for the bell to ring for the end of the day, so she didn't have to deal with Finn trying to ask her out yet again, she suspects that Quinn had broke it off with him as it was why Finn was bugging her, but Rachel didn't care about Finn, not when she has her sights set on a certain warbler. Rachel was watching the time go by slowly on the clock, while also trying to come up with a question for Sebastian. When Kurt turned in his seat that was seated in front her and Puck, to face them, he looked at Rachel and said

"At lunch, Thad Harwood, who is at dalton, even when I was there, rang me and said these last four days, the smirking meerkat has been turning up to dalton late after school in a better mood, like smiling and more nicer, even in lacrosse practice he's in a good mood. Thad assumes his friend is seeing a girl." Rachel was silent, as she took in what Kurt had told her, and Puck who was listening in on the conversation, knew that Rachel was indeed the influence on the preppy from Dalton. Rachel looked at Kurt curiously and said

"Do you know if he's apologised to Blaine yet?" Kurt shrugged his shoulders and said

"Not a clue Rachie, but Blaine says that the meerkat sees him before school, and they talk. But Blaine won't tell me what they talk about. But talking with Thad at lunch, I assume he and Blaine talk about the girl Sebastian is seeing." Rachel was once again silent and thought of the perfect question to ask Sebastian at the Lima Bean, she wondered even more if he had apologised to him. she gave Kurt a small smile and said

"Thank you Kurt, I do hope you find out what he and Blaine talk about." Kurt smiled at her and said

"Same here." Kurt stood up as the bell rings and he said

"I'll see you tomorrow Rachie, maybe you could come see Blaine with me tomorrow, you too Puck, I'm sure Blaine would be grateful for the visit." Rachel gave Kurt a smile, as he left the choir room. Rachel looked at puck smiling and said

"I thought of the perfect question, thanks to Kurt." Puck looked at her and said

"Let's go so you can ask." Puck and Rachel stood up, and walked to the Lima bean. Rachel looked at him and said

"So how's your new friend Trent going?" Puck looked at her and said

"My new friend is going good, why do the new directions have a feud with the warblers? They are actually quite cool. But then again I've only ever sat down and spoken with Blaine and Trent. And from what I can see with Smythe, he doesn't let people in." Rachel looked at him curiously and said

"What do you mean?" Puck placed his hands in his pocket and said

"He has a wall around him, it's probably why he acts like a shit, and from what Kurt said earlier. I think you're a good influence on preppy Rachel." Rachel looked down smiling, as they entered the Lima bean, and puck then turned to her and said

"What's the question you want to ask him?" Rachel looked up at him to tell him, and he said

"It's a good question." Puck walked over to the table where Trent is sitting, as Rachel walked over to Sebastian, and sat across from him and said

"Sorry I'm a little late, Kurt was talking to Noah and I, as he and I were leaving glee." Sebastian looked at her as she sat down and said

"It's okay Rachel. Ask your question." Rachel looked at him and asked her 5th question

"Have you apologised to Blaine?" Sebastian smiled at her and said

"Everyday I visit him. I'll be apologising to him for the rest of my life. I know I will be." Rachel was pleased with his answer and she said

"I'm sure Blaine will forgive you Seb, things like that take time." Sebastian nodded his head agreeing with her and said

"I know it does Rach." Rachel smiled and said

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, I promise I won't be late." Rachel stood up, as she bid Sebastian farewell, and passed Trent smiling, she sat across from Puck and he said

"So?" Rachel looked at him and said

"He does apologise to him. Everyday when he visits him." Puck was pleased that Sebastian apologises to Blaine. Puck smiled at her, as he put Trent's brilliant plan into action.

Trent sat across from Sebastian and said

"Tell me, what did she ask?" Sebastian sighed and said

"She asked if I apologised to Blaine, after what I done, and you know I do." Trent was silent, and then said

"I think she's slowly trusting you Bassy." Sebastian looked at him like he was crazy and said

"Explain?" Trent smiled at him and said

"Well you are answering her truthfully, not lying to her at all. From what Puck said, she's been ignoring the insults from Quinn and Santana all week, because she's been too focused on coming up with good questions for you. Rachel is starting to trust you again. Puck told me, that Thad told Kurt who told him and Rach, about how you Sebastian have been rocking up to Dalton in a better mood. Of course Puck knows it's because of Rachel." Sebastian was shocked and Trent continued

"Puck knows you love her, he won't say anything to her or anyone on his team, its obvious to him Sebastian, so of course he's going to know that you are in love with his best friend." Sebastian was shocked at how someone from Rachel's team picked up on his feelings for the petit brunette. Trent looked at his best friend and said

"She is starting to trust you, I know she is, so don't give up on her Bassy." Sebastian smirked and said


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