Question 9

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Dedicated to: Pugsbunny88

Rachel only had two questions left. She planned to use them both wisely as Sebastian had told her 8 days ago that it can be any question she wants and he had to answer her honestly. So far she had been pleased with outcomes but not so pleased that Blaine got hurt because of Kurt and because of Finn.

She felt special that Sebastian has defended her honour, and was pissed that Santana wanted another Michael off. She wasn't listening to her or even Quinn as she was busy with Sebastian on her mind, and wanting to come up with a specific question. She remembered when she asked Sebastian if he's seen Blaine after what he accidentally done, that he told her that he and Blaine talk, and after knowing that he wasn't actually aiming for Blaine, it put her mind at ease, but it didn't mean that she wasn't still pissed at her ex boyfriend and his step brother.

As the day was dragging Rachel began to wonder and ponder her second to last question. As she planned to use the question wisely, she began to wonder what Sebastian and Blaine talk about. She was curious, but she also wondered if Sebastian would tell her.

Rachel was currently waiting at the Lima bean in her usual spot waiting for Sebastian to arrive, she hadn't told Puck her question yet, as he wasn't at school, but she planned to visit him after talking with Sebastian.

Trent walked out of the warbler room with Sebastian and said

"Her second to last question is today, are you going to tell her?" Sebastian was silent and then said

"If the time is right Nixon, I don't want to scare her away. She's only just started talking to me normally and she isn't pissed at me, which I'm grateful for, but I don't want to risk it if it's not the right time." Trent sighed and said

"Bassy, come on you know as well as I do that girls like Rachel are never single for long. As it is her friend Puck had to cover up to Finn who does want her back." Sebastian knew Trent was right and said

"I know, but it has to be when the time is right, and only when the time is right." Trent shook his head and said

"I have faith in you Bassy." They entered the Lima bean, and Sebastian walked over to his usual table sat across from the brunette beauty that has captured his heart as Trent went to a table on his own. He gave her a smile and said

"Lay it on me Broadway." Rachel smiled at him and said

"I plan to use my last two questions wisely." Sebastian nodded his head in understanding and said

"Understandable as you only have two questions left." Rachel then thought of her question and said

"Exactly, so my second to last question is" Sebastian was in suspense as the question could be anything and he has to answer her honestly. Rachel gave him a real smile and said

"What do you and Blaine talk about?" Sebastian wasn't sure what to tell her, as he and Blaine talk about her, and his feelings for her, of course Blaine like Trent does encourage him to tell her. Sebastian smiled at her and said

"Someone special. They have captured my heart. They have had it since I first saw them. Not many people know of course." Rachel felt her heart break into a million pieces, Rachel looked at him and said

"They do sound pretty special." As she said that, Sebastian knew that it was the right time to tell her, but before he could Rachel looked at him and said

"I'll see you later tomorrow for my last question. I promise it will be good." Sebastian gave Rachel a small smile and said

"There's no doubt about that." Rachel stood and then walked out of the Lima bean driving to Puck's place.

Trent walked over to Sebastian curiously and said

"What did she ask and what did you say? You told her your feelings for her." Sebastian shook his head and said

"She asked what Blaine and I talk about, and I told her someone special." Trent knew that there was something that his best friend wasn't telling him as Sebastian went silent, Trent looked at him concerned and he said

"Bassy, what aren't you telling me?" Sebastian sighed and said

"I was about to tell her my feelings for her. But she had to leave, I had all this courage and I knew that it was the right time to tell her. But before I could say anything, she left." Trent looked at his broken hearted friend, and he said

"Bassy. I'm so sorry, maybe there's something I can do." Sebastian looked at his best friend and said

"There isn't Nixon. Could I just be alone right now please?" Trent nodded his head and said

"Of course. I'm only a phone away if you need." Sebastian nodded his head as Trent stood up to leave. Trent knew there was something he needed to do. He needed to find out something for himself. After he messaged Rachel to meet at McKinley he formed his own question in his head. He walked into the auditorium of McKinley and saw Rachel waiting for him. He smiled at her and said

"Hey Rachie." Rachel smiled at him and said

"Hey Trent. Your text sounded pretty urgent when I received it after seeing Noah." Trent sat next to her and said

"I know about your question game with Bassy, just like Puck knows about it too. I want to ask you a question this time and I want you to be honest with me." Rachel was curious at what Trent wants to ask her, and she said

"Of course, ask away." Trent smiled at her and said

"Do you love my best friend Rachel?" Rachel was shocked at how he knew, she began to stutter to him

"H-how d-did you find out? No one but Noah, Sammy and Blaine know. My glee club except Blaine, Sam and Noah would shun me if they knew especially Finn, Kurt and Santana, and then there is Quinn who would try and take him from me." Trent felt for the girl, he didn't know what would have happened and said

"I'm guessing it has happened before?" Rachel nodded her head, and said

"It has, when I dated Jesse. Everyone except Noah gave me the ultimatum Jesse or glee, making me sacrifice my happiness for them but Kurt he never got that when transferred back to Mckinley while dating Blaine when he was still a warbler. It's why no one except Puck, Sam and Blaine knows about my crush on Sebastian and when I used to like Finn, Santana had slept with him and Finn lied to me about it all, and Quinn she made him cheat on me when Finn and I dated." Trent hugged her tight and said

"Secret is safe with me Rachie, and truthfully I think Bassy loves you too." Rachel looked at Trent and said

"Thank you, and how do you know that he does?" Trent smiled and said

"I know my best friend Rachie."

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