Question 7

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Dedicated to:  Pugsbunny88 and ShannonCataldi

Rachel was worried what she would find out from Sebastian with her 7th question. So far she has found out that the red slushy had rock salt in it, the slushy was meant for Finn and Kurt and not Blaine as he only got in the way, and that Finn and Kurt had said something which had made Sebastian upset.

She had been avoiding Finn and Kurt all day, because of something they had said to Sebastian. She was worried to find out what they said, but she also wanted to know what they said. She knows that Puck knows what they had said, but he won't tell her because he wants Sebastian to tell her. She didn't know if she was ready for the answer, but she knew she would find out eventually. She was silent which worried Puck a lot. He looked at her and said

"Rach you okay?" Rachel sighed and said

"I don't know, I have a question i want to ask him, but I'm afraid of what I will find out." Puck reached for her hand and said

"Talk to me." Rachel looked down and then at puck and said

"I'm afraid of finding out what they said to him." Puck was silent as Rachel continued

"Especially if it was enough for Seb to want to throw a slushie at them." Puck didn't know what to say except be there for her. Eventually be found his words

"Rach. Stop overthinking. I know you're afraid. But it will be preppy telling you what they said to him, no-one but him." Rachel looked at him and all she could say was

"Okay." As she said that she avoided Kurt once more as he was walking hers and Puck's way. They ditched glee and went to the lima bean. Rachel was nervous as what she would find out, nervous about what they had said.

When they arrived, Rachel sat in her seat quietly as she wanted to be alone when so she could be less nervous to ask her question. She looked up and saw Sebastian with two coffees. He sat down handing her one and said

"Ask away Streisand." Rachel took a drink of her coffee that Sebastian had brought her, took a deep breath and said

"My question is." She started not knowing how to finish it or even prepared for the answer. She closed her eyes and asked

"What did Finn and Kurt say to you that you wanted to throw a slushie at them?" Sebastian was worried that this question would happen. He looked at her and said

"Do you really want to know Rachel?" Rachel saw that even Sebastian was worried, why he was she didn't know. Rachel bit her lip which drove Sebastian crazy, and she said

"Yeah I do want to know Sebastian. I know Noah knows but he said that you have to tell me." Sebastian nodded his head, took a deep breath and said

"They told me that I had to stay away from you, that I shouldn't be anywhere near you at all and that you didn't want anything to do with me either." Rachel was shocked and upset that Finn and Kurt had said something like that to him. She didn't know if she should cry, storm out or confront Finn. Rachel leaned over the table, took Sebastian's hand and said

"They had no right to say that to you, and what they said isn't true. Finn and Kurt don't control me. Don't listen to them." Sebastian was shocked at Rachel's words, he was even more shocked that she wasn't upset and said

"Thank you Rachel, it means a lot to me that you said that." Rachel gave Sebastian a smile and said

"Your welcome, thank you for the coffee, and I'll see you tomorrow." Rachel gave Sebastian's hand a squeeze before standing up and walking away taking her coffee with her. Rachel sat in the seat Trent once was smiling to herself knowing that Sebastian had defended her honour, which is something only Blaine and Puck do. She felt special that Sebastian Smythe had defended her honour.

Puck looked at her and said

"What did he tell you?" Rachel looked at Puck and said

"The truth, and I'm now pissed at Finn and Kurt. Sebastian was only defending my honour and for me you know that means a lot to me Noah." Puck smiled at her and said

"I know Rach."

Trent smiled at his best friend and said

"Tell me how did she take it?" Sebastian looked at him and Trent said

"Her friend puck told me she was going to ask you. And if you're worried, he's not taking your best friend title from me." Sebastian rolled his eyes at him and said

"She took it surprisingly well. And she told me some thing, that I'm not going to tell you." Trent smiled at him and said

"I told you Bassy. I told you she won't be devastated. I think she is pissed at Finn and Kurt, and was pleased that you defended her honour." Sebastian smiled to himself and said

"I really was." Trent smiled widely and said

"I did tell you Bassy, I really did." Sebastian sat back in his chair and said

"I know you did." Trent looked at him and said

"Now all that is left is for you to tell her your feelings."

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