Question 8

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Dedicated to: Damonlover81

Rachel was in the choir room for glee, she is currently sitting next to Puck. After finding out exactly what Finn and Kurt had said to Sebastian, she was pissed at them. Blaine got hurt because of them. She also wondered why Sebastian Smythe of all people would defend her. She suspects it was because of Trent. She sat next to Puck ignoring Santana and Quinn, and also ignoring Kurt and Finn.

She was annoyed at the two boys seated in front of her and Puck as they were trying to talk to her, and she then said to them

"Stop it, I don't want to talk to you and Finn. Blaine got hurt because of you two." Kurt and Finn were confused at what Rachel had said, and they said together to her

"What?" Rachel rolled her eyes at them and said

"Don't play dumb, I know what you said to Sebastian." Finn and Kurt were then silent, as they then knew what she was talking about, as they didn't think she would find out and wondered on exactly how she did. Rachel looked at them and said

"It's you two I don't want anything to do with. Not Sebastian, you two. Always thinking you can control me, not anymore." She stood up and was about to leave, she turned and said to them

"You don't control me, neither of you two do. You can't tell people to stay away from me, and tell them that I don't want anything to do with them. Stay away from me from now on, both of you, and stay away from Sebastian too." Rachel walked out with Puck following her to make sure she was okay. After defending Sebastian, she wondered why he would defend her. It's not like he goes to the same school as her. She told Puck her question, and Puck said

"I like that question Rachel. And it's only a question that preppy can answer, and also good job on standing up to Finn and Kurt, you are right they don't control you. I'm proud of you for standing up to them." Rachel smiled and said

"Thanks Noah. It's something I should have done long a go. Especially to Finn." Puck had agreed with her. They walked into the Lima bean, Puck looked at Rachel as they walked in and said

"So two questions left after today, any idea what you're going to ask him?" Rachel thought about it and said

"I have some idea, but I'm not sure yet. I want to get today's answer before I settle on my last two questions." Puck nodded his head in understanding and said

"And you'll tell me the questions before you ask him?" Rachel smiled up at him and said

"Of course Noah, you know I will." As she said that she saw Sebastian and Trent walk inside the Lima bean, she looked back at puck and said

"I should probably find a table, I'll see you in a bit." Rachel hugged him, and then walked over to a table and sat across from Sebastian. Rachel smiled at him and said

"After today two more questions." Sebastian smiled at her and said

"Indeed there is." Rachel thought about the question and then said

"My question is." Sebastian will admit he will miss her asking the questions, and she then said

"Why would you stand up for me?" Sebastian was surprised at the question, he couldn't actually tell her that he is in love with her. He then smiled at her and said

"I stand up for you, because I care about you Rachel. More than you will ever know." Rachel had no idea that Sebastian cared about he a lot. It was then Rachel knew the last two questions she was going to ask him. She smiled at him and said

"I care about you too Sebastian." Sebastian was thrilled that Rachel cared about him too, and was no longer pissed at him. Rachel then said

"I should probably get going Sebastian, I'll see you tomorrow." Rachel stood up, hugged Sebastian tight and then walked over to Puck while walking past Trent. Rachel smiled widely as she sat down across from him, and Puck said

"So what did he tell you?" Rachel looked at him smiling and said

"He cares about me Noah." Puck smiled at Rachel, because he knew that Preppy did care about her, as he knew that Sebastian is in love with her.

Trent looked at Sebastian and said

"Judging by both of yours and Rachel's smile, I'm guessing you told her your feelings." Sebastian shook his head no and said

"Not quite Nixon." Trent threw his napkin at Sebastian and said

"I told you not to beat around the bush Smythe and she defended your honour with Finn and Kurt today. Puck saw and heard the whole thing." Sebastian picked up the napkin and said

"Really Nixon and Rachel did that?" He placed the napkin on the table as Trent nodded his head and Sebastian then continued

"Her question was why I stand up for her, I told her it was because I care about her." Trent shook his head at Sebastian and said

"You chickened out with telling her." Sebastian sighed and said

"I didn't chicken out, I told her the truth. But I will her about my feelings towards her soon. I promise."

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