Question 3

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Dedicated to: ShannonCataldi and Pugsbunny88 and NikkiKay88

Rachel was sat at the Lima Bean with Puck sitting across from her, waiting for Sebastian, so she could ask her third question to him. As she sat waiting for him, she really wondered who he was aiming for and why, and if he has visited Blaine too. She had so many questions to ask him, some of which she isn't prepared to know the answer too, since Sebastian is answering truthfully which even Puck is impressed by the truthful answers but even he is worried for Rachel when she gets them, it's mainly why he wanted her to confide in him with this. Puck looked at Rachel, as he saw Sebastian walk in with Trent. He softly nudged her and said

"Rach, I'll be at another table. Preppy is here." Puck stood up and walked to another table while ordering another coffee on the way. Rachel bid Puck farewell, as Sebastian sat across from her. he will admit that he gets nervous when Rachel asks him a question, as she could ask him anything. They sat in silence for awhile, and Rachel then asked

"Yesterday you said that you were aiming for someone else, so my question is." Rachel looked at him nervously and asked

"Who were you really aiming for?" Sebastian was nervous and afraid to answer, because he didn't want to upset her. He took a deep breath, looked at her and said

"Finn and Kurt. But Blaine got in the way. I didn't mean to hurt him. I got the wrong person." Rachel was stunned and shocked that Sebastian was aiming for her ex boyfriend and his step brother, but at what cost and why. Rachel wondered why he was aiming for Finn. She finally found her voice and said

"Thank you for the answer Sebastian, I guess I'll see you tomorrow for my fourth question." She stood up and walked over to Puck still shocked and surprised about the answer Sebastian gave. She sat down across from Puck, and he said

"Rach you okay, what was his answer?" Rachel looked at Puck and said

"He was aiming for Finn and Kurt, but why would he aim for them Noah." Puck was in shock at what she said, and he then said

"I don't know, unless they done or said something to him, do you want me to find out, maybe I can talk to Finn after football practice." Rachel looked at Puck and said

"As long as he doesn't find out about the question game I'm having with Seb." Puck nodded his head in understanding.

Trent sat down across from Sebastian in the chair where Rachel sat, and handed Sebastian a coffee and a croissant, and said

"So Bassy, her question and your answer." Sebastian sat back in his chair and said

"Her question was who I was really aiming for, and I answered truthfully." Trent was shocked and said

"How did she take it Bassy?" Sebastian sighed and said

"She was quiet. I think she was in shock and surprise." Trent looked at his best friend and said

"At least she wasn't devastated, which reminds me, I found out from her friend Puck who I was talking to just before. That Rachel and Finn aren't together anymore, so maybe she won't be as devastated when she finds out why. I think she will be more heart broken about what Finn and Kurt had said, rather than you aiming for them." Sebastian leaned forward, picked up his coffee and said

"I hope you're right Nixon." Trent smiled at him and said

"You forget I've known her a lot longer than you have. Rachel is unpredictable, she would see that you're heart was in the right place and was just defending her honour. No-one except her friends Puck, Sam and of course Blaine, has ever done that for her. Have hope Sebastian." Sebastian nodded his head and said

"I will, I promise."

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