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Her pacing was starting to annoy me. It had been half an hour she entered the room, looking defeated. There was nothing she could have done. And I don't blame her either.

"I can't leave you here, honey. Not for two days," she muttered again for the tenth times as she darted back and forth from the door towards the window across it.

I watched her wearily and sighed. "Yes, you can, mom. And it's not even an argument. I'm not the reason you lose a job you've been working on until your retirement."

"They won't fire me for such a reason. Besides, this is a family emergency. You need me here more than my colleagues need me on my work desk. And I have a few work leaves left in my year. I can use those and stay for the rest of the week." She argued, still pacing in front of me.

"And what are you doing to do with the vacation Randy planned for Christmas? You were saving those work leave to get extra days out of it. Also, you told me, you already got permission for those extra days." I reasoned. "Mom, it's only two days. I'm here for the rest of the week, and probably next week too. I'm not going anywhere with a busted shoulder and bruised legs."

She stopped in the middle of the room, just in front of me, and frowned. "Don't you dare start with that, Jane. You're important than my job, or that damn vacation. Randy would agree with me."

"Of course, Randy would agree with you. He never contests to any of your decision since you married him in fear of your wrath." I jested and shook my head, feeling sympathetic for my step-father. "The man loves and respects you too much, mom. But you know I'm right here. So please stop being stubborn and go. And if you go now, you can get back here in less than two days. With your arguing this at the moment, you're actually wasting a lot of time."

"Don't you dare sass me, young lady." She scolded and shook her head, a small grin tugged at the edges of her lips. "May god, you're so much like your father." She muttered under her breath and then sighed.

She met my gaze for a moment and said, "fine. I'm taking the first flight I can get today and return as so as tomorrow or the day after that."

"Great!" I beamed cheekily and held out my hand. She walked up to me, understanding I wanted a hug from here. She kept a slight distance and tried not to crush me under her arms. "Don't worry, mom. I'll be fine. I'll be here when you get back." I whispered softly close to her ears.

She moved closer and tightened her embrace. "Please get well soon, honey. We are still here. We can't lose you too." She whispered and leaned back to kiss my forehead.

I closed my eyes, relishing on the endearing show of affection. I looked up and saw her watching me closely. "I'm here, mom." The words sounded alien to me. Even hearing myself say it, I recognize the lie.

And my mother did too. "Are you really?"

Thankfully, we were interrupted when Dr. Malcolm entered. This time he had the decency to knock. If he did before, I hadn't notice.

"Sorry, I'm here for my rounds. Is this a good time?" he inquired, studying us with caution.

My mother still held me within arm's reach. After seeing the doctor, she let go and moved back. "No, it's okay, Dr. Malcolm. Actually, before you do your thing, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Recognizing the urgency of my mother's tone, I quickly interjected. "Dr., please don't listen to what every request my mother says to you. She's just worried, and entirely out of her mind." I lightly jested to not seem rude.

Sebastian peered between my mother and me, assessing my words. "That really depends what she's asks of me, Ms. Cohan. I can't give you promises I can't keep. It's one of our occupational hazards," he quipped with a boyish grin before gesturing to my mother. "Please, Mrs. Allen. We can talk just outside." He added.

Loving JaneWhere stories live. Discover now