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that was the only word that came to mind when luke told ocean he was going to a party.

the days had passed and it was now friday. ocean still hadn't sat with michael, calum and luke at lunch. she had been getting a few weird looks from people around school but she ignored them. encouraging words from calum and michael helped her through the week, lettig her know that today's news will be tomorrow chippy paper.

luke had been her saving grace over the last few days. he made sure she was always up in time in the morning. he reminded her to bring lunch and her books for the day. he drove her to school, walked her to class and even visited her in the art room at lunch. he glared at anybody seen whispering about her and shooed off anybody who tried to come near her. at the end of the school day, he drove her home. then at dinner time, she would make dinner as he would set the table then later he would help her wash the dishes. if she was stuck with her maths homework, he would explain it all to her in detail. and just before bed, they would cuddle on the couch whilst watching tv. he kept her sane.

but now it was friday night and luke had disappeared as soon as they got home from school. ocean had heard the shower running as she was doing her art homework, too busy to attempt to make dinner. he ran past her with floppy, wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist at one point, picking up a bottle of clone before running back to his room. four hours later it was eight o'clock and ocean was sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the couch, snacking on a packet of crisps with awkward playing on the tv.

"hey," luke mumbled. he was clad in a flannel, ripped skinny jeans and a leather jacket, standing proud near the door, spinning his keys on his fingers.

ocean looked up through her eyelashes, her heart stopping and eyes widening, breath catching in her throat. luke looked amazing, there was no denying it. "hey."

"so, erm," he bit his lip.

"where are you going?" ocean interrupted him. in normal circumstances, she would be embarrassed by her outburst but this was luke.


"where?" she pushed. now, the blue haired girl was not a nosy person in the least but luke interested her.

"a party."


luke nodded, staring at the floor again. he felt crap for leaving ocean alone while he went out with friends and most likely got drunk. but there was no way she would ever agree to going with him so there was no point in asking. he wouldn't even drink tonight if it made her feel better.

"i won't drink if you don't want me to," luke muttered. michael was right, he was whipped. he had announced it in class the other day when luke just couldn't stop talking about her.

"no," ocean shook her head. just because she was a killjoy doesn't mean luke should be one too. "nah, go ahead. party! have fun!"

"you sure?" he looked up at her. she nodded, smiling. "ok, bye, o!" he grinned, running over to kiss her cheek quickly and then leaving the quiet girl alone in the quiet apartment.

what felt like hours (but was only 45 minutes) passed with ocean eating doritos and watching awkward. she was bored. there was nothing to do in luke's house. she had done her homework and even cleaned her room but, other than watching tv, that wasn't much else to do in the tiny flat. then an idea popped into her head.

ocean: hey ! u busy ??

fifteen minutes and another bottle of lucozade later, a text rang through.

ash: nope! you're house?

ocean sighed, ringing up her cousin to explain the situation. safe to say, he didn't approve. his baby cousin was living with a boy whom she had a crush on, who also had a reputation of being a player. but after some shouting and arguing, the relatives came to a conclusion; it was none of ashton's business.

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