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"so," luke started, clearing the coffee table of mugs. "you can take the bed and i'll take the couch."

"are you sure about me staying here? because i can always book a hotel room for the night," ocean frowned.

the blond rolled his eyes, ignoring what she had just said as it was so ridiculous. of course luke was going to let ocean stay with him. he very well wasn't going to let her be homeless, even if it was just for the night. he switched of the t.v. but kept the blankets on the couch for him to sleep with.

"don't be stupid, o," he scoffed when the girl wouldn't stop mumbling about how she was just being a pest. "you're staying here and that's that."

"thank you," ocean whispered to a stern luke, trying not to smile or blush.

"you're very welcome." luke walked away from ocean, leaving her momentarily to put the mugs into the dishwasher. "now, you can wear that to bed or i can get you something else. it's up to you?"

"i'll just wear this, thank you," ocean mumbled, blushing at the fact luke was looking her up and down whilst smirking.

"ok," he nodded. ocean stood up, her blue hair falling down her back, still damp. luke watched her run her hands through the shiny locks, staying silent as she bent down to pick up her bags, picked them up and turned back to him.

"goodnight luke," she whispered, slowly stepping forward and stopping before him. "thank you for letting me stay here." she leaned up onto her tiptoes and kissed luke on the cheek, slowly pulling away.

luke's eyes had fluttered closed and didn't reopen until ocean was long gone, away to bed for the night. luke's mind was racing as fast as his heart, confused as to why his friend would do something like that. in the short time the two had been talking they had become great friends but ocean had let known her true feelings towards luke, just friends and nothing more. but why had she kissed him with so much meaning, at least that's what it felt like to the male. although ocean is a naturally nice person and that's probably just her way of showing her appreciation.

luke sighed, realising that he was overthinking the whole situation. it was only midnight but it was a tiresome day for luke and he just wanted to sleep. so setting up a bed on the uncomfortable couch, the blond took off his clothes (but kept on his boxers) crawled under the blankets and curled into a ball, rubbing his face free of stress.

he had only been asleep for forty minutes when he heard someone closing a door, obviously trying to be quiet but failing. luke sat up, running his hand through his floppy hair then rubbing his red eyes. "ocean?" he croaked, squinting his eyes in the dark.

"sorry," ocean whispered, feeling stupid for waking luke up for almost no reasoning at all. "i- i couldn't, erm, sleep."

luke nodded and stretched over to turn on the lamp, sitting up as the covers fell around his bare waist. ocean's eyes were trained on his toned stomach, her heart feeling as if it was tightening and blush raising to her cheeks.

"what's up?" his husky voice made ocean squeak instead of speak.

"i-" coughing, she started again. "just a bad dream." luke nodded, rubbing his eyes again with his fists, wounding why ocean had woke him up. he wanted to be there for her but when it's midnight and luke's half asleep, he's pretty grouchy.

"oh," luke mumbled, just wanting to go back to sleep.

"would you, em, come sleep with me?" ocean asked quietly.

luke's eye widened, misinterpreting what she had been saying. "what?" he choked out.

ocean's innocent mind was puzzled. what had she said to get luke that worked up- red face, dry throat and wide eyes. she just frowned back at him, feeling as if it was probably the worst idea ever to wake luke up to ask him to help her. "no, actually, it's ok. i'll- erm- just see you in the morning."

"no!" luke said, a tad too loud for the time of night. "wait," he gulped, washing all dirty thoughts out of his head. as much as he didn't want to think of ocean in a sexual way, he couldn't help it. he was a male and she was a female, and a beautiful one at that, of course luke didn't think their friendship would stay platonic. he was very well read, and although teen romance wasn't his most preferred genre, he knew a lot about it. best friends don't just stay best friends when one is attracted to the other, something always happens. whether it be bad or good- he hoped it would be good- luke couldn't just forget the original feelings he felt for ocean.

"what?" ocean questioned, wondering why luke was staring a her with such intensity.

"of course, i'll come with you." he smiled and stood up, leaving the blankets on the couch for him to clean up tomorrow. ocean grinned in the dark once luke had turned the lamp back off. maybe waking the blond up wasn't so bad. after all, she did get to see him shirtless with droopy eyelids and flat hair.

"thank you," the blue haired girl whispered when she felt luke's hand on the small of her back, guiding her back to bed.

luke opened the door, squinting his eyes at the bright light that had been left on. as he took his time switching the light off, ocean crawled into bed. under the covers and on the right side of the bed, the blue haired girl had made a little home for herself. luke wanted to tell her that the right side was the side he usually slept on but if it was ocean, and for her, he would try and adapt.

luke grinned at the small frame that seemed to be devoured by fluffy, white sheets. she was adorable, he thought, laying in bed and waiting on him. she wasn't his and they weren't even doing anything sexual but luke still felt so proud that he had someone like her staying with him.

luke shifted in the left side of the bed, trying to get comfortable. it was foreign to him but so was the blue haired sprawled across the cloud-like pillows.

ocean stuck to her side, trying not to blush at the fact luke hemmings was in bed with her, naked. she stayed as far away from him as possible, but it proved to be no help when luke stretched his arm across her body and pulled her back against his chest.

the body heat the two shared started to get unbearable after 10 minutes but neither of the two wanted to pull away. ocean's eyes started to drop and her breathing started to get shallower, a clear sign she was about to fall asleep.

luke took notice of this and kissed the top her head one last time before falling asleep himself, "goodnight ocean."

i just want to point out a few things im trying to do here

~im not trying to make it cliche or anyhing
~ocean is 18 so she's legally an adult and can move out whenever she wishes
~her mother died a few years ago but her father NEVER abused her he just never cared
~she MIGHT NOT move in with luke she MIGHT go back home
~she has money bc she had a job but she quit it and she saved up money she gets bc she never goes out

ok !! idk about this story anymore so i hope u all continue to read it and can ignore the terrible storyline


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