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It was now 4 days before the ball. Dianne was outside, heading to the stable, the stable held all the kings and princes horses. She opens the stable doors and starts to feed the horses. Just as she goes back to get them some water. Someone walks in the stables.

It was Prince Joe with his friend Prince Caspar from another kingdom. Dianne was not allowed to be seen by the prince not unless invited to do so. According to castle rules. Dianne hid in one of the stable stalls that was occupied by a horse.

"How far are we going in the woods today?" Joe asks Caspar who has invited him to do what they did back when they was five. They called it chicken, where they would both go and get on their horses to see who could ride the farthest before the horse would buck them off.

"That's why it's called Chicken!" Caspar says with a happy expression.

"Fine let's just get our horses ready" Joe says and starts saddling up his horse.

Dianne was peeking through the stable door to see If she could slip away. She slowly and hesitantly started opening the stable door, causing the horse to go crazy. It reared up on it's back legs and charged out of the stall.

Dianne moved out of the way just in time, but didnt leave just in time. Joe and Caspar ran to the now open stall and saw Dianne.

"You let one of the winning race horses out!" Caspar yells, he was very proud of all the horses.

"I-im sorry" dianne stuttered. Joe just looked at the girl like he has seen her before but can't put his finger on where.

"Sorry doesn't cut it! You will now be charged-" Joe cut caspar off.

"Caspar! Anyways...don't worry about the horse, I'll handle it...just go before anyone else catches you" joe says and dianne does a small bow and mouths thank you before leaving and taking her own horse back home.

"Prince Joe looks oddly familiar and I can't figure out where I have seen him before" Dianne says as she rides back home.

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