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Dianne stood in front of prince Joe in shock. She didnt have no words she was speechless. Dianne starts backing away just before Joe grabs a hold of Diannes hand.

"Don't run" joe says as he looks at Dianne with love in his eyes.

"I will get in trouble..." Dianne says and tries to loosen the grip joe has on her hand.

"No..please come to the castle tomorrow" joe begs. "I'll invite you. Then you won't have to get in trouble".

"In the morning...set the invite by that tree. Don't send it to my home..." Dianne says and Joe tilts his head to the side in confusion.

"Okay princess" joe adds and helps dianne get on her horse. "We will meet again soon" joe adds before Dianne leaves with a smile on her face. She heads back home to find her family came back from the store.

With a groan dianne puts her horse in the stable and walks inside. Her aunt glares at her with a fiery passion.

"Where were you?" Her aunt asks.

"Taking care of the horses" dianne says. She didn't want to say she was with the prince due to how her aunt would take the news.

"Nothing is clean! The house is a mess!" Her aunt screams and dianne looked around the house and it was a mess. But when Di left It was clean, so clean you could see your own reflection. Dianne looked around and was shocked.

"It...was clean before I left" dianne says which made matters worse. Her aunt threatened saying she was selling Diannes horse to the kingdom and Dianne was going to be locked in her room when she wasn't working.

Dianne began to clean up the mess. As she was cleaning she couldn't stop thinking about the note Joe was going to give her tomorrow. She couldn't stop thinking about him. Eventually a new day arrives and Dianne comes up with a plot to go get the note.

She already prepared breakfast and done all her morning chores. As she heads to her room where she got to stay since she is "grounded" she locked the doors but heads to her window. She unlocks the window and opens it up. Since she lives on the second floor it was quite a ways down.

She grabs a few blankets tying them up and using them as a way down her window. When she makes it to the ground she heads to the woods on foot. She left early morning so no one would be awake yet.

She makes it and sees a gold letter hidden inside a tree. She takes it out and opens it.

"I hope you received this. I really want to see you again. Meet tomorrow? The day before the dance? I want to arrange a way I can get you a hand made dress by my designer - Joe" dianne smiled and held the note to her heart.

Dianne was melting into Joe's arms even though he wasn't here.

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