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It was now 3 days till the ball and for the past few hours, dianne has been working on all the dresses...she never told her Aunt she was making a dress for herself. If she did, her aunt would just tear it up.

Just as she was sowing the last piece of thread, a bell was ringing. Dianne gets up and heads to her Aunts room.

"Dianne, prepare breakfast for me and the girls we are going into town to get some items for when we go to the ball" she says with a devilish smirk.

"Yes ma'am" Dianne says and walks away preparing breakfast. Once she was done she made them all plates and set them out for each of them. Dianne was cleaning up the kitchen as her family ate. Dianne overheard their conversation.

"Mother, who do you think the prince will fall in love with?" One of the twins asked.

"Obviously he will pick me" one says with a smile and the other starts an arguement.

"Girls, girls, listen, whoever he picks we will be rich! As long as you tell him to give the family money" Diannes Aunt says.

"You can't just use him for his money...that isn't what makes a princess or a queen" Dianne buts in, causing her Aunt to stand up and go over to her.

"What was that?" Diannes Aunt asks with a smirk on her face. Dianne was going to reply but before she could her aunt smacks her across the face causing Dianne to fall to the ground.

Dianne had tears stinging her eyes, she looked at the twins who just smirked along with the Aunt. Dianne looked away and that's when she heard a door shut. Dianne was alone in the house.

Dianne broke down crying, sobbing. Dianne hated the life she was in. She just wished someone could just come along and fix it. As dianne continued doing her chores she hears a knock at the door. Terrified it was her Aunt she opens the door only to reveal the same messenger from the castle.

"How do you do?" The messenger asks. Dianne just nods praying that her beautiful red hair covered the bruise slowly forming on her face. "Well, I have a letter for-" the messenger begins to say the name of Diannes Aunt. Since he butchered it so bad he just hands it to Dianne walking away.

Dianne looked at the letter, she opened the letter to reveal a note which read.

"I'm very happy to hear that you will be attending with your two daughters! I can't wait to meet you. I really do hope that you enjoy the festivities when you arrive.
Can't wait to dance with them.

-Prince Joe"

Dianne threw the letter away and finished all her chores for the day. Her family still wasn't back yet so she decided to take a ride through the woods. When she reaches the woods, their was her favorite spot. The sun beamed through the trees like a spotlight. Beautiful green and soft grass making it like a dance floor.

Dianne pulled out her phone playing some music from David Gray 'This Years Love'. She started dancing to the music making her own choreography. Dancing made everything better for Dianne.

"You're really good" a voice says as the music ends and so did diannes dance. Dianne jumped just to reveal the same boy who saved her earlier.

"T-thanks" Dianne says as she plays with a strand of her red hair.

"Can you teach me that?" The boy asks and Dianne smiled a little and agreed. It was the least she could do for saving her life.

"Sure!" Dianne says happily and shows the boy the male side of the choreography. Then they put it to music. The boy was very good at dancing and when they reached the certain point of the dance.

The boy lifts diannes chin so her eyes could meet his. Dianne smiled into the beautiful pool of blue and leans in like the boy was. Their lips smash together and move in sync, just as they pull away. Joe's outfit dissolves and was replaced with his prince attire.

Dianne stood back shocked as she looked at Prince Joe.

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