🍰・일 || One・🍰

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It bothered Seokjin how cannibalistic creatures such as zombies were depicted unrealistically on television.

With the delicate touch of the zombie's fingers their prey's flesh is ripped open and stretched only for their bloody hands to wonder down further inside the person's body before emptying them out; splitting their ribs, piercing their nerves, and pulling out their long, bloody intestines while the prey could do nothing but to only watch themselves drift between the worlds of living and dead until they would finally sink down into the pavement in their own massive pool of thick crimson and tears. They're built of milk and flesh so meek and mild, surely, but the human body is no way that fragile just from a little scratch. A bite, maybe, but them ripping you with their bare hands just isn't realistic.

The bite..speaking of the bite, Seokjin found that somewhat fascinating and was unsure when it came to thinking about it realistically. A powerful bite cannot come from something that is literally a walking bag of bones and rotting flesh, right? Which brings him back to not believing the reality of ripping someone open with his bare hands. A walking corpse doesn't have the strength that a normal, live human has, it's just not possible.

His mind created an image in his head of a zombie like creature sinking their dirty, hungry yellow teeth into the soft flesh of a woman's shoulder. The skin webbed out with blood, tendons and exposed a small patch of soft fatty tissue as the predator pulled away while the black haired woman he created in his mind screamed and begged the gods above for mercy.

His tongue tingled at the thought of the woman's thick, hot crimson liquid spilling and rushing into the mouth of the cannibal corpse; gushing with each chew and dripping from the corners of its dry lips only for its neck to be consumed by the warmth and eager for more.

Seokjin's mouth watered, and the tip of his tongue ran across his front, white teeth.

'That could be something I'm willing to try,' Seokjin mentally noted. 'To test my theory..'

Seokjin's mocha eyes silently wondered below him, and his eyes instinctively land on the being of his strong affection. He admired the back of her pretty (h/c) hair, the smoothness of her (s/c) skin. But he quickly averted his eyes away from the pretty young woman, and instead fixed them on the other young woman next to her.

His brown eyes narrowed as he stared hard into the back of the young woman's head.

Her name was Park JiHye.

She was sitting quietly beside (Y/N) while writing things down rapidly in her notebook with a pink pen as she eyed the professor.

So sweet and innocent looking she was, really. Her dark, straight eyebrows was what gave her face that innocence. Along with her light glitter, nude brown and white eye shadow, dark lashes, pale skin and red tinted, pouted, small lips.

He couldn't forget JiHye's bangs framing her small face.

JiHye's black hair was in a tight, curled ponytail today. Seokjin could tell that she has showered this morning and didn't give her hair the time of day to properly dry before taking it to her curling iron, because he smelt burnt hair when she walked past him earlier that day.

'I can try on her,' Seokjin thought to himself as the end of his navy blue pen caught his teeth. 'She's a bitch.'

He usually liked the thought of women to be his guinea pigs when it came to wanting to test personal thoughts like this. He found that females flesh was far more tender and sweet than members of his own sex. Females tended to have much better diets, and perhaps that made them taste so much better than males? Plus, females just looked more appetizing, they looked more youthful too.

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