🍰・삼 || Three・🍰

461 19 25

It only took this very moment for Seokjin to truly realize how easy it would be to take (Y/N), at any moment, any second.

She's almost too easy.

He knows a lot about her, it was probably safe to say that he knew her better than she knew herself. Maybe it's because he tends to pay more attention to the negative things. Well, more negative for her.

One of them being that (Y/N) cannot scream. (Y/N)'s mentioned many times that she just can't bring herself to even yell, or scream without having a pounding headache afterwards; or losing her voice almost immediately after.

She's said that even in the moments where she is terrified she can't bring herself to scream, she just stays quiet.

This was pleasing to hear, because that meant if Seokjin were to forcefully shove (Y/N) into his car, or during an altercation in the process; she wouldn't draw any attention to the public..not that she's strong to begin with. Better yet, she wouldn't waste her time screaming whenever he would lock her up in the secret room he had made just for her.

But..is it possible to get her screaming? Surely he can in more than one way. That thought had now became another thing that Seokjin wanted to try, but perhaps a little later. He needs to be patient.

Ah..but he can't wait anymore! How much longer does he need to wait? He's waited five years, he's over the waiting game. Seokjin's carefully and thoroughly studied his interest, and he's more than ready to act now. The longer he's waited, the more twisted and stronger his desires and fantasies became, it was strange to him, but he wasn't complaining.

"This is so good!" (Y/N) exclaimed, breaking into Seokjin's thoughts. Seokjin blinked, and lifts his head up slightly to the sound of her lovely voice. His mocha eyes capture (Y/N)'s lips that were stained and tinted red from the spiciest sauce there was that she drenched the jjukkumi in. "Jinnie-ah, have you tried it yet?"

"Yes, and it's delicious," Seokjin smiled with a soft chuckle. "I'm glad that you're enjoying it."
Seokjin watched as (Y/N)'s chopsticks capture a squirming tentacle on the white plate beside the bowl of rice the waiter had brought earlier, ah, sannakji.

That was one of (Y/N)'s favorite things to eat. She dipped the raw, chopped tentacle in soy sauce before casually guiding it into her mouth.

That was great to see and all, but the real treat to see is the last, live little octopus that squirmed and wiggled across the white plate as if it knew its fate and tried to escape before it was too late.

But (Y/N) wasted no time to trap the octopus with her silver, red sauce stained chopsticks; firmly grasping it between the head, its mantle and the wriggling tentacle arms. Seokjin's brown eyes looked over the live octopus thoroughly just as (Y/N) proceeded covered it in chunks of spicy red pepper paste, and green onion specks.

"Yah~ Stop moving!" She cooed softly to the creature as she poured nuclear fire sauce on its head and body, which seemed to really get its nerves going. Orange red dripped off the pale, moving tentacles. The little, round, shiny black eyes of the spice covered octopus stared right back at Seokjin.

Shortly after, Seokjin saw the head of the octopus disappear into the soft, hungry mouth of his lover. A loud, single crunch became audible the moment (Y/N) bit down harshly, and slurping lightly as she pulled the chopsticks from her mouth.

As her teeth crunched down on the octopus, the cold tentacles twitch before they spreading out and began suctioning to her delicate (s/c) skin. Her (e/c) eyes widen while she lets out a soft, muffled yelp at the feeling of the pale tentacles wandering around and sticking her face wherever it pleased. (Y/N) quickly drops the chopsticks and tends to the little suctions over her left eyelid, cheeks, jawline and tip of her nose.

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