🍰・십 || Ten・🍰

594 26 32

'What the hell is wrong with her?' Seokjin thought.

Seokjin's excited and anxious mood switched over to pure anger and irritation within just minutes a part from each other. Seokjin was pissed.

It just felt like an impossible build up of steam, burning his skin on the way out, and to burn (Y/N)'s delicate flesh too but with a hotter iron

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It just felt like an impossible build up of steam, burning his skin on the way out, and to burn (Y/N)'s delicate flesh too but with a hotter iron. He wanted to yell at her. He wanted to ask her why would she take this ride? Why the hell did she even think about getting into Seokjin's car? Why did she put herself in this situation? What if Seokjin wasn't the man whom was responsible for all of these unsolved murder cases?

'Once we get to my place, you're never gonna make it out.' Seokjin wanted to say, but he suppressed it like his sudden anger that burned within him. Maybe that was the little, beaten and bruised angel that has put up with the abuse of the little devil on his other shoulder that was showing him the wrong in his actions. Believe it or not, Seokjin did actually have a little voice of reason but he just chooses to ignore it. 'Isn't this wrong?' No, it was not. There was nothing wrong about any of his actions. Who cares? Who cares except the people who wind up dead and sacrificed for God. Humans are nothing without the love and mercy manifested in Jesus's sacrifice. There is nothing in which an entry and absolute identification with Christ, is realized more than in prayer. Seokjin believed that people who aren't like him should pray for the purpose of their lowlifes..the purpose of all living things however, was Seokjin's absolute divine will. The many lives of the men and women Seokjin had taken so far may not understand it at the moment but in the afterlife once they cross the gates over to heaven or hell their eternal keeper will explain to them, even Satan would do so; any of the bitter sacrificed would then forgive Seokjin, understand him; Seokjin believed.

God created everything to bring praise and glory but as time passed, that purpose of creation faded because of humanity's sin. Hence why Seokjin strongly believed that people only exist to hurt each other.

The enemy of man is man.

There was beauty in blood. There was beauty in experimenting, and exploring. There was beauty in God's faith. There was beauty in life, and there was beauty in death.

(Y/N) is here for many reasons, many purposes.

Let their lives as loyal disciples of his be blessed so that Seokjin could continue to work for God's kingdom with great passion.

Seokjin and (Y/N) eventually arrived and parked Seokjin's car in front of his home. His anger and roller coaster of strange emotions had started to dial down and Seokjin was able to regain control of himself again. Seokjin took (Y/N)'s bags for her as she stepped out of his vehicle and Seokjin guided her toward the entrance of his home. Seokjin opened the door and the two of them immediately took their shoes off and placed them neatly up against the wall.

"Woah~! Your place is so nice!" (Y/N) exclaimed, (e/c) eyes wide and lips only slightly part as she scanned around the large living space.

Truthfully (Y/N) had always been jealous of Seokjin's living situations, even when they were in high school. (Y/N)'s family wasn't poor, they were average middle class citizens; her father was a Master Sargent in the military and her mother was an elementary school teacher. They had a good income for a family of four (her parents, herself and younger brother) and they're the reasons why (Y/N) was able to even go to college. Whenever she went to Seokjin's house in high school it was so much bigger than the 'average' Korean household, and he had the same amount of family in the house as she did but the only difference would be that Seokjin was the youngest. It was painfully obvious that Seokjin came from money but luckily it never affected their relationship or (Y/N)'s relationship with Seokjin's parents.

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