🍰・사 || Four・🍰

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As the evening wanes down, the night closes in and the trees don their vibrant hues while an icy chill creeps into the air.

"Thanks for walking me home," (Y/N) said with a tight smile. "I'm too scared to walk alone at night, especially now."

The cold wind blew and leaves shaded a pale amber and bright red came down, breaking delicately off of the tree branches and fluttering down on the two like colorful raindrops.

"Of course, there's no way in the world I would've let you walk home by yourself."

(Y/N) shivered as her gloved hands gripped the insides of her coat pocket. Seokjin admired the gentle puff of her warm breath slowly raising into the night's sparkling light as they walked.

Seokjin's dark eyes elevator up and down (Y/N)'s walking frame.
'Now would be the perfect chance, really.' Seokjin thought.

It was just them two, alone.

Seokjin was actually surprised to see that not another person was on the streets. Seoul was known for its night life, but with all of these murders and missing persons happening in the area recently, curfews have been set in place for the public. Especially in neighborhood areas.

If Seokjin wanted to do it now, he really could. No one would notice him covering (Y/N)'s airways until she passes out. No one would notice their shadows struggling against each other in the orange street lights if she put up a fight. Nor would anyone hear her small cries for help, if she got the chance to do so, anyway.

Seokjin could then carry his unconscious damsel in distress in his arms bridal style, and pretend that he was just holding a sleeping (Y/N). People might mistake them as a couple.

It's just too perfect.

"Over here."

The lovely chirp of (Y/N)'s voice snapped Seokjin back into reality as he watched her approach the keypad lock with dim, deep blue lit buttons on her apartment door.


Seokjin was towering behind (Y/N). His tall height gave him the advantage of discreetly looking over his lover's shoulder as her index finger punched in the four digit code.

'3, 7, 9, 0.' in that order, were the numbers to access entry, Seokjin learned.

Seokjin's mocha eyes avert from the keypad lock just before an innocent, smiling (Y/N) spun around to face him once again.

Seokjin flashed a pretty, toothy grin as his broad shoulders slightly raised when he slides his slender hands into his pant pockets

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Seokjin flashed a pretty, toothy grin as his broad shoulders slightly raised when he slides his slender hands into his pant pockets.

"So I guess this is where we part now," Seokjin hummed. "Thanks again for inviting me out to dinner with you, I had a good time."

"Y-Yeah! I had fun," (Y/N) beamed as her left hand gripped the doorframe. "Thanks again for walking me home."

"Of course."

A heavy silence fell between the two, it just so..strange. Awkward, even. (Y/N) swallowed thickly as she scanned her surroundings.

"I should get-"

"Wait," (Y/N) interrupted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Maybe you should stay the night?" She suggested.

"In your tiny apartment?" Seokjin teased as he raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N) couldn't help but giggle at his playful tone of voice. "Yeah! I mean, i-if you want to," She said quietly with a small shrug. "It's just that, it's really dark out now and..ah, I don't know. I just want you to stay safe."

'She's adorable.'

"Thank you (Y/N), really, but I'll be okay." He politely declined.

(Y/N) blinked.

"O-Oh okay, that's fine!" She nods, clearing her throat a bit. "Just..be safe, okay?"

"You don't need to worry about me." Seokjin reassured with a smile.

A heavy exhale slips from (Y/N)'s lips as she rushed forward and crashed into Seokjin's chest before tightly wrapping her arms around the tall male's slender waist. She closed her (e/c) eyes and nuzzled her cold face into the warmth of Seokjin's torso.

The swift action caught Seokjin off guard. He looked down and admired his innocent lover clinging to him ever so tightly.

Slowly, Seokjin's hands leave his sides and travel up gently toward (Y/N)'s back with small, reassuring rubs.

She pulled away and gently snaked her hands away from Seokjin's back and settled them on his toned shoulders and looped her arms around his neck with a light tug to bring him down closer to her. (Y/N) raised herself up on the tips of her toes.

Seokjin stood frozen as his brain was processing all that was happening. The feeling of her being pressed against him, her arms wrapped around his neck as her warm breath grazed against his cold face.

(Y/N) had planted a simple, quick kiss on Seokjin's cheek.

(Y/N)'s grip loosened and her hands quickly fell off of Seokjin's tall frame. She took a step back from him, too shy to meet his hypnotized gaze.

Seokjin felt the sudden rush of his heart beat and warmth starting to bloom red on his soft cheeks. (Y/N) just assumed it was from the cold, brisk weather.

"Goodnight Jinnie, text me when you get home," She said softly. "I'll see you tomorrow." (Y/N)'s face disappears from behind the door with the sound of the keypad locking.

Seokjin's hand reached up to touch the spot that still tingles with the lovely sensation of (Y/N)'s soft lips pressed against his delicate, fair skin.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)-ah.." He whispered faintly.

" He whispered faintly

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