🍰・팔 || Eight・🍰

415 22 14

"I really appreciate you being Jin's friend," The short, raven colored haired pretty woman smiled. "I'm sure it was difficult to get him out of his shell. Ah he..he was never like this, so withdraw. Thank you."

Seokjin's mother's voice ran through (Y/N)'s head like a broken record. Those words have always stuck with (Y/N).

The only reason (Y/N) was thinking about Seokjin's mother was because she was excited that she was going to spend the night with him today; the first time when (Y/N) ever went over to Seokjin's house was in high school, and those were the very few words that his mother had said to her.

(Y/N) always wondered what his mother meant by that; when she said 'He was never like this, so withdraw.' 

Was he once outgoing and reckless like any other boy? If so, it's hard to paint Seokjin with that personality. And if he was really like that, what..happened? Why did he change? What made him change?

In high school, she even met some kids that have known Seokjin since elementary school and they've even said that he was never so..isolated, quiet. The few who claimed to be friends with him in early elementary said that once day he just had a whole different demeanor, he changed.

Seokjin's mother talked a lot to (Y/N), she thinks it was because she was her youngest son's only friend in..god knows how long.

"Please don't ditch him and leave him in the dust.." His mother would quietly plea when her youngest wasn't around.

Seokjin was a normal, happy boy when he was little. But when he turned six, his parents and teachers noticed drastic changes in his behavior. His teacher reported that Seokjin had become painfully shy. So shy that he refused to even speak, and his parents were worried.

Not only was Seokjin shy but he was also very..curious about things. Things that would be strange for a small child like him at the time to be asking or even thinking about.

He asked if he were to cook a human, would it taste like beef jerky? He asked a boy if he could scoop out his eyes with a spoon. He asked a teacher what would happen if someone cut out his bellybutton. He asked if it was connected to his internal organs and if someone cut out his bellybutton, would his insides come out too?

The questions didn't raise any flags, because everyone brushed them off as a child's curiosity or simply silly. The intense shyness however, stressed his parents greatly and they put him into sports, they put him in taekwondo, they put him in dance, in swimming, in summer school camp activities, they even sent him to study abroad for a few months! They put him into everything they could think of, but he just couldn't make any friends, he couldn't even crack from his shell.

He was very passive, obedient and was often praised for that by adults all around.

It was until the age of nine; that was when he had finally found something he liked, something he really liked.

One day he went to the library with his mother. His mother was looking for books that had to do with her work, and Seokjin had grown bored of standing beside his mother with her hand tightly lapping over his. He manages to slip from his mother's grip and wandered around the isles, index finger poking every colorful book his brown eyes laid upon.

 "Jin-ah," His mother called out. "Don't go too far, okay?"

Seokjin just hummed in response as he continued to skip down the pathways covered in books. He skimmed through some that didn't catch his interest, until he focused on one of the very bottom shelves. The cover's colors were rather boring but the content inside was fascinating.

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