🍰・십오 || Fifteen・🍰

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Seokjin had stayed a few extra days than he had originally planned at his parents house. It was currently a brisk Thursday afternoon, January 3rd, 2013. His parents threw their own little celebration of the new year by inviting a couple close relatives, eating delicious home cooked food together, drinking together and simply enjoying each other's company. It was nice seeing his aunt again, as well as grandparents and younger cousins that he hasn't seen in a long time; it was nice to catch up on things.

Seokjin's alcohol tolerance is quite high but his mother kept nagging him about limiting his intake because she didn't want her son to overindulge which she believed would lead to sin. An intoxicated person cannot be holy nor acceptable to God. Seokjin's father however disagreed with the things his wife was putting into his head and insisted on letting his youngest drink as much as he wanted. He was past the legal age anyways, so who cares? He wasn't being reckless either. Seokjin ended up stopping at some point throughout that night though, just to please his mother's paranoid wishes. His mother also nagged at him more about watching the news, and his father also chimed in to tell Seokjin that there was nothing wrong with watching the content. One night especially, SooJung came into the spacious TV room when she caught her youngest son viewing a news report about another one of the serial killer's victims that the police have recently found. The body was heavily decomposed due to outdoor exposure for so long, thus making it difficult to determine the estimated time or day of death..as well as making it difficult to positively identify the poor victim. At first Seokjin couldn't identify nor recall the person, that is until the same newswoman who reported (Y/N)'s disappearance said: "Police say the victim experienced severe head trauma to the front of the skull with so much force that the victim's left eye had popped out from its socket! It is said the victim suffered two stab wounds to the abdomen and five blows to the head, deforming the face completely which is making it difficult to identify the victim.." and so on.

Seokjin giggled a bit at the fond memory. He put himself there again, a scene that happened many months ago. He watched the left eye come out in real time, she was still alive when it happened too. She was trying to talk to him but her words were hard to understand and she kept trying to focus her sights on him but understandably struggled with that too. Poor girl looked extremely confused. It freaked Seokjin out but..in a good way. It was really amusing. It was cool to him, excited and new. But he wished he had taken the girl's eyes as souvenirs.

Seokjin seemed greatly interested in the news program, and his mother didn't like it because she told him not to watch such things especially in her house. She even began addressing the television as "The Devil Box". His mother also got irritated with him if she saw him reading an article about the recent news on his cellphone, Seokjin didn't understand why his mother was so against it. It came off as controlling and it brought him back to when he was a kid, teenager especially.

Seokjin now was getting ready to make the drive back to his home. While Seokjin waited for the heater to warm up he admired the mixture of warm and cool colors in the evening sky. From his tinted windscreen Seokjin watched the oriental sunset stretching its beautiful, calming colors into the sky. Rich hues of apricot blended with crimsons, faint baby blues, purples, and pink cotton candy clouds.


Seokjin's right hand slipped into his back pocket to pull out his cellphone. He checked his notification to see who had messaged him, assuming that it was one of his parents or his adorable niece texting him through his older brother's contact. But upon seeing the name on his screen Seokjin found himself rather surprised and even puzzled.

Jung Hoseok(1)
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Jung Hoseok [6:53pm]: Jin hyung! Hi, it's me Hoseok! Happy New Year, I wish you and your family the best of health and luck throughout the 2013 year. You're probably wondering how I got your Kakao, I got it from seeing that you liked a post off of (Y/N)'s KakaoStory. If it makes you uncomfortable that I'm messaging you please let me know and I'll delete our messages, I don't even know your ID so it wouldn't matter much. Anyways, I'm messaging you to let you know about what happened earlier today. So you know JiHye, right? Well I guess she talked to the police a couple weeks ago and mentioned both of our names, so I spoke with some detectives today regarding (Y/N). One of them was asking a lot about you..so much so that I was starting to think that he was suspecting you had something to do with it, don't worry though, I was super quick to debunk that lol because it just sounded ridiculous!! Anyways, they asked me that if I could contact you I should text or call you to let them know that they would like to talk to you, just to rule you out as a suspect and whatnot.

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