🍰・십일 || Eleven・🍰

523 23 14

Seokjin sighed as he reached up from beneath his blankets to rub his tired mocha brown eyes with the inside of his palms; his eyes were fairly dry from staring up at the plain, white ceiling of his clean and neat bedroom for quite some time.

Seokjin slept very well last night, very well. Maybe it was because of the thought that was pushed to the back of his mind for the night that (Y/N) was tied up and perfectly secured in the little room he had created just for her where she will never, never ever be found.

Speaking of (Y/N), he had a dream about her last night. It was a bit strange yet Seokjin decided to take it as pretty informative from his creator; the dream still made his heart pump despite being awake for a while now. He took the dream last night how he interpreted the snow from yesterday. The snowy winter weather from yesterday as well as last night was God sending down little angels to give Seokjin energy to proceed with his desired task and last night's dream was essentially the same thing; at least, that's what Seokjin believed because it wasn't exactly clear. He didn't remember the dream fully, just the main parts.

He felt like he was floating in the fluffy clouds that were high above the Earth, everything around him was pure white, even the loose long sleeves and pant legs that fluttered around his ankles. (Y/N) was there with him too, her right hand gripped onto his left ever so tightly as her plain a-line spaghetti strap white dress fell just below her bare knees.

They were dead..or that's what at least Seokjin assumed, why else would the two be together in the front of heavens great gates?

In front of the pair, Seokjin saw a large throne surrounded by pure white fog, the purest of angels and the divine creator and holder of all fates was seated on the said throne; for he was the only authority to give judgement. Seokjin also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony against his doings for the Lord, and for those who had not worshiped God but instead the red horned beast or its image that had not received marks on their foreheads or the palms of their hands. They were sent to wander restlessly for one thousand years as punishment. There was also an act of exile that was to take place for one beautiful soul in particular..(Y/N). For some reason (Y/N) was not allowed to enter the great gates with Seokjin but instead was sentenced to be casted out..but why? Why could she not get into heaven? Was it because she is what Seokjin lusted? But Seokjin is not a sinner, (Y/N) is the sin. She was trying to get Seokjin to sin, therefore she is a sinner.

But that was okay, (Y/N) potentially being a sinner didn't bother Seokjin because it was easy to rid of sin. Seokjin could rid of her sin for her but perhaps that could be saved for a different time. In Seokjin's dream, God told him that (Y/N) could only pass through the gates of heaven with Seokjin if she was permanently bound to him. It had to be this way, because Seokjin was God's chosen one and he could do no wrong in his loving eyes. Plus, (Y/N) was his gift from God for doing such good work..! To properly claim her she needs to show ownership, plus, anything associated with him was just as perfect as him. (Y/N) was for his own possession and his possession only.

He had to brand the beauty, she needed to be permanently bound to him in some physical way.

That's where the dream ended. That's when his eyes shot wide open to be greeted by the sight of his slender body wrapped in warm blankets as his back pressed against the mattress. The abrupt ending of his dream, or maybe it was safe to say nightmare, was what made Seokjin's heart pound with the additional knowledge that (Y/N) couldn't go with him unless there was something permanent keeping them together.

Clearly God was giving Seokjin a heads up for the future but there was one thing that was on his mind; how exactly would he brand (Y/N)?

He could use a knife, but should he use a small one? Seokjin was nervous at the thought of accidentally cutting too deep into her skin which could result into severing a vein or a couple nerves..or even cutting too deep into some muscle tissue that shouldn't have been touched. Well..wait, actually! Seokjin has a little box cutter in one of his kitchen drawers. It's perfect, he'll be able to have a steadier hand and the blade is so small yet so sharp that it should get the deed done without causing any unnecessary damage.

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