chapter 9

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chapter 9
the trust.

dear my complex friend with trust issues;-

you got called that alot lately, am I right? it seems like you were the only one who understood the deepness of trust; how long it takes and how easy it can be demolished.
which was why you trusted nobody. no-one is permanent. and you understood that everyone tries to make a great impression as they pass your path of life. but maybe you took it slightly too far...?

you didn't trust yourself with anything. would rather kept your emotions inside than to tell them to yourself, in fear it'll betray you. beck you didn't even trust the water you drank to hydrate you. how psychotic is that? you conversing lessened as time passed. first seven people...then you slowly drifted to four...and now it's just one stubborn person who doesn't want to leave.

let me ask you a question. what will you gain this way? what benefits will you earn from all this? just legit, tell me what's the point of this?

nothing. you think this way you're saving yourself but you're basically not hurting other than yourself. please, just think about all this. life isn't worth such pain. you really should try being happy for once and just be you

this might sound weird but you really have to work on smiling rather than protecting yourself from everyone. i agree there's loads of heartless humans here but that just gives a better reasoning to trust the good ones you find right? think about it.

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