Chapter 0 Prologue

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It's a normal day in UA. Class 1A,1B, the teachers and others are enjoying a normal activities. ( I will take them before the UA cultural festival or simply put after Eri rescue mission) When suddenly a bright light illuminate them. Next thing they knew they are in UA auditorium with theater like seat drink and food in the left side of the room and toilet in the right side.

They all confuse why they are here? How do they get here? Why there's theater seat here? AND WHY THE DOOR ARE LOCKED? They scream confuse of the situation

"Why are we here? How we get here? Why are the doors are locked? Is this a villain attack? what kind of quirk is this?" Midoriya mutter

"Deku-kun! What happen? why we're here?" Uraraka ask him while panicking

"Shut it Deku! Move you extra i will blow the doors open" Bakugou scream as he approach the door with explosion in his hands

"Don't broke the school property Bakugou!, there has to be a key here somewhere" Iida said with his signature robo movement

"Cool there's theater seats here" Kaminari said

"Is that the only thing in your mind right now?" Jirou said deadpanning him

"What happen? What happen? What happen? "Mineta scream running back and forward

"Well for starters we still at UA" Todoroki said with monotone face

"He's right we are still at UA, this is the auditorium" Yaoyorozu agreed with him

"Hmm what is that light but at least we're still in UA" Nezu said while drinking his tea

"I agree sir we are still in UA" All Might said while scanning the room

"Toshinori is that you?" Grand Torino ask

"S-s-s-sir! What are you doing here?" All Might ask him stuttering seeing his old teacher here

"Not just him All Might" Aizawa said with a sleepy face

"Whoa why we're here" Mirio ask

"I don't know, I wanna go home" Tamaki said with nervous expression

For Nejire just think that she is asking a lot of question( I'm lazy LOL)

"Kota don't go anywhere" Mandalay said to Kota as he run toward Midoriya

"Deku!" Kota scream as he slam his head to midoriya's stomach

"Ugh.....oh hey Kota! Long time no see!" Midoriya said ceerfully

"Uh Deku is that Eri?" Uraraka ask him while pointing her finger at her

"Oh wait! Yeah! That is Eri! Eri!" Midoriya scream calling her

"D-deku? DEKU!" Eri scream running toward him

"All right everybody calm down" a figure said to them

"WHO'S THERE" everybody scream with battle position ready to fight

"Whoa whoa whoa I said calm down not combat ready" The figure said

"Shut it extra your dead!" Bakugou said as he jump and ready to attack the figure

The figure just snap his finger(not Thanos) and everyone just stop but time still running just that they well they stop. Everyone confuse and asking question in their mind while the figure just stand there drinking some cola or pepsi or fanta with amuse expression

"Are you all done yet? If you do then great" he snap his finger and everyone is in their seats " Before you all ask yes you still in UA, yes I brought you all here, yes I locked the doors and no I will not hurt you all" He said with a smile

"Okay you're not her to harm us then why you bring us here?" All Might ask the figure

"And who are you?" Aizawa ask him as well

"Okay regarding who am i well first just call me L" He said

"L? just that?" Mina ask L

"Yes pinkie just L, and why you all here" He snap his finger and the screen shows the word Multiverse "That is what you all gonna do or to be precise you all gonna watch movies about your multiverse!" He said. Everybody is confuse 'multiverse? watch it?'

"You still haven't answer my question L" Aizawa said glaring him

"Wait i thought i did well honestly i'm sorta a God" Said L with a straight face

'Wait a God?' Everyone thought

"Why the fuck? did you just proclaim that you are a God you loseee aaaaargh" Bakugou didn't finish that sentence as he float in the air because L do the force choke on him

"Kacchan!" Midoriya scream panic at his friend

"Wha put him down" Kirishima ask L

"Only if he behave" L said

"Please put him down!" Midoriya begging him

"Okay" L said as he unforce choke Bakugou

"Allright let's get this par" L didn't finish as he is interrupted by a blond dynamite

"SHUT UP YOU SHIT HEAD I'M GONNNNNAAAAARGH" Bakugou didn't finish as he is force choke again and the cycle continue


"Okayyy now that everyone is calm 'looking at Bakugou' well almost everyone let's start shall we"

"YEAH" Everyone said

(Warning! This story is highly bias towards some characters, especially Monoma and Bakugou. So if you a fan of them, you've been warned. Also, sorry not sorry for being bias towards them-Author of this damn fucking book)

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