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~Astrid's POV~

That morning,I walked into class with my best friend Lilly. We got in our assigned seats and took out our folders and Cameras. Then our teacher,Mrs. Rivers walked in.

"Good morning class!" She said brightly.

"Good morning Misses Rivers!" We all replied.

"Now last night in an email,I told you all I'd have a surprise for you today. And I'm sure you're all curious about what that is." She said.

Some of the students became giddy and whispered. "Sshh please." Misses Rivers politely responded.

We all settled down.

"Today,you will not need your folders or your cameras." She said.

The class groaned as they put away their gear. This usually meant a pop quiz. Misses Rivers lightly laughed.

"There is no quiz today either. So you may relax." She said fondly. All of us sighed with relief.

"Today,I will be assigning each of you a pen pal from someone in the music industry. Now I know this may seem childish,but hear me out,please." She explained cooly,as she sat on her desk.

Some students leaned forward in intruige.

"You all attend this university in hopes of getting into the music industry. And the reason for these pen pals,is for you to get to know a different perspective,a different side,
A different layer and story of the industry." "You all think you know it, but you don't. There's more than those rock n roll documentaries we've watched this year." "It's always changing,just like you all are changing,constantly." "I want to give you this opportunity to learn from the professionals." "And whenever one of us receives a letter back, I'd like for you to read it to the class,so you can teach each other." "To better prepare yourselves,once you're hired into that industry."

The class erupted into cheering and clapping. Misses Rivers waited for us to calm down.

"Now I'll be reading out a list of who you're partnered with." She said.

Soon,she read my name. "Astrid, you're writing to Mitchel Cave of the Australian band Chase Atlantic." She said.

I became giddy. Lilly high fived me.

She read off the rest of the list. "Please get out a piece of paper and I will pass out the envelopes,stamps,and hand you each a slip of paper with their addresses." She said.

We all got out a piece of paper. I started writing.

Dear Mitchel Cave,

My name's Astrid Willows,and I'm a student at University of Washington. I'm taking classes for music production and videography. Today our teacher Mrs. Rivers assigned us pen pals who are in the music industry. I luckily got assigned with you!

I've been a fan for a year now,and it's all thanks to my best friend Lilly. We even went to your show on July 3rd at the Neptune Theater,this year. You were amazing on that stage. You make it look so effortless.

Which brings me to my burning question. Do you ever get stage fright? (Cause I sure do.) How do you shake off the nerves and get ready for a big show?

I'm sorry of those questions seem a bit ridiculous. I know musicians like yourself would much rather answer more in depth questions. I guess I'm just a bit nervous writing you cause I know media tends to blow things out of proportion and twist words.

Anyway,I doubt fear and stage fright are nothing to you nowadays. I just have a bad habit of thinking of my own far future and that's where all the oddball questions come from.

I gotta work on my confidence huh? You wouldn't have any tips on how to clear my head and achieve that would you? (Sorry if that seems a bit much, or a bit too personal. I'd never mean to intentionally trigger anyone like that.)

Anyway... I'll just end it with one last lighthearted question.

How are Clinton,Jesse,Christian,Pat and Xavier? Tell them I send all my well wishes and Gratitude.♡

Astrid Willows

I put it in the envelope and closed it. I grabbed the dandelion and Daisy from on top of my ear,and rested it on the flap. I poured the yellow,melted wax and pressed the sun imprinted seal. It quickly dried,and I removed it.

I handed it to Misses Rivers like the rest of the class did,and walked out with Lilly.

"Coffee to calm the nerves?" She asked.

I nodded and she took my hand. We walked out,and started walking to our favorite café for lunch.

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