Part 1 - Trix and Treats

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(Point Of View: Bellatrix Powers)

Hisses pierced the night air as a hand collided with my skull. A yelp slipped out from between my lips. Pain spread across my back and side for a short second as I hit the ground and slid into the trunk of a tree. I made a mistake. Again.

"Come on, Trixy! Are you really a Powers? Don't get distracted and let your guard down. You wish to be the next Delta, no?" My father's deep voice hissed in frustration.

Our late-night training wasn't going so well. We got intel that there might be an attack tomorrow by Silver Moon Pack and their merciless Alpha. As annoying as it was, my wolf kept bothering me with all her chatter. The thought of losing our home made her restless and coming up with all these ideas about how the enemy would attack or look.

My wolf was a hopeless romantic and she was always anxious about our peaceful island being taken over. So she wasn't very helpful during training. She'd randomly distract me with a quick flash of what she pictured their ugly, old, and selfish Alpha would look like. It was difficult to focus on my lessons with a wolf chattering away in my mind. Almost like a buzzing mosquito in your room in the middle of the night taunting you.

'Hey, respond to me. What do you think he will be like? Do you think he'll be super tall and powerful or like a dried up raisin? You're exceptionally strong so you'll still kick his tail I bet. Although it'd be cute if he was shy and sweet too.' Gloria chattered away.

'I'd appreciate some help, ya hopeless she-wolf! He's a damn Alpha coming to kidnap us all or force us into submission and take all our resources. I don't care if he's cute, hot, or as ugly as a prune!' I hissed at her.

I caught a fist that was headed for my throat. My father's foot jerked up and shot into the center of my chest. All the air was forced out of my lungs as I flew across the small clearing.

"Bellatrix Powers, find where ever your head is and put it back on your shoulders. Don't ask for another extra lesson until you do. I am not here to beat you to a pulp. I am here to teach you." He informed me sternly with frustration written on his face.

"Yes, Delta Powers." were the only words I could choke out as I writhed on the ground trying to catch my breath. As I wheezed, my wolf was finally silent. She knew better than to continue.

Being the only child of the Delta in such a small pack was troublesome. He required respect from everyone including me and when Mom died he became even more strict. I had to prove myself to all the werewolves that I am strong enough to run with the best wolves.

Gloria began pacing in my mind as she listened in on my thoughts and I let her. I hadn't cried or spoken more than a sentence or two at a time since my mother died several years ago. Not even when I broke an arm and hip fighting several rouges to defend the pups and expecting mothers. The leopards were busy with other rouges. It was a planned attack. Luckily, no one else was harmed. The rouges had attacked intending to take pups to train or sell to other packs.

Humans and werewolves alike dealt with others selling each other but for different reasons. Some packs that had been weakened after an attack will do almost anything to get their pack back in shape.

That includes buying werewolf pups from rouges to train to become warriors. They weren't born in the pack so they'd be treated worse than the dirt on the Pack's shoes.

Weak packs would be chased off their land or even slaughter for it. It was brutal but not unusual.

Humans had countries and wolves had territories.

Thankfully, we had back up and nature itself to protect us from that nasty reality. We were actually a relaxed tribal pack that lived on an island with drop off cliffs covering half of the perimeter. There was a dormant volcano too but that didn't bother us.

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