Part 16 - The Bi-guy

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(POV: Zeke Bolt)

It was just after lunch and the day had gone by pleasantly. I had given Trixy a tour of the entire packhouse and we were strolling towards my office.

"So, Muru, why are you stalking us? You're supposed to be watching the twins." I mind-linked Muru and he sighed in annoyance.

"Just checking on my sister. It's almost the end of the month and I don't trust you with her." He growled back slightly.

"Would you calm down? I know it's almost the month of heat. I'm not gonna do anything to her so stop helicopter-brothering." I said.

"What the hell is that?" He demanded sourly.

"A brother who keeps hovering over their sister and monitoring their every twitch of a muscle." I explained.

"What's wrong with that? I love my sister and I owe her my life. I-" He continued and I cut the link before I had to listen to him droning on and on.

I hadn't been watching where I was walking and ran smack into a door. Trixy was on the ground laughing and curled up in a shaking and gigging ball. It was kinda cute and I couldn't help but stare at her as she gasped for air.

"That's was hilarious. Do it again!" She giggled as she got back up to her feet and wobbled slightly. Her little delicate hands gripped my sleeve to steady herself.

Earlier she had admitted that the gold had made her motor-skills slightly out of wack. That coupled with the fact she was weakened by it was making it definitely difficult for her to get around without assistance or falling.

"On second thought, please do not. My back is throbbing like a fucker because of the shaking and my legs are noodles." She grumbled holding onto my sleeve. I picked her up like the princess she was.

'Raiden, stop messing with my thoughts.' I barked at him in my thoughts.

'Hey, I didn't do anything. You thought of her as a princess on your own. I agree that she is one. She survived her first encounter with gold without any permanent issues and did quite a lot of fighting even though she was bleeding out.' He mumbled.

"Who thought you that word?" I asked slightly sharp with my question.

She seemed to flustered to even noticed as she squirming around like a fussing pup. Despite being injured, she could flail like a fish out of water. It was quite amusing to watch.

"Put me down!" She roared in anger and embarrassment.

"If you don't settle down, I'm dropping you on your little butt." I threatened and she froze in place like a statue. Then she folded her arms over her chest sticking out her bottom lip.

The urge to nibble that lip popped into my head and I shut that down instantly. She would kill me if I just kissed her forehead to comfort her.

My lovely horndog of a co-pilot flashed the image in just a chest wrapping and shorts licking her fingers. This made my face burn as I tried to block him out.

'She thinks so highly of you but you're such a horndog. What's wrong with you?!' I demanded in my thought.

'I'm a health heterosexual male?' Raiden explained in a confused tone.

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