Part 9 - Hello Samuel

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(POV: Bellatrix Powers)

The sweet and loving maid grabbed Alpha Buttface's ear yanking him down to her level. He was almost completely bent over and chanting the word 'ow.'

It was a great sight.

The only issue was this weird tall man with yellow hair and blue eyes. He was talking to talk to me and it was... what's the word? Unsettling? Strange? Awkward!

I'd never seen yellow hair before but it has a girly look to it. It was a tad similar to Buttface's but his hair was brown with the same shine. It was standing up in the front like a spike and it didn't look soft at all.

"So, what's your name, beautiful?" He asked in a deep voice. It sounded like he was trying to mimic the rumble in Buttface's voice. I winced internally at the sound.

"Bella. You said yours is Samuel?" I asked as he gave me a smirk. My stomach swirled as Gloria started pacing in my mind.

"That's right, little Bella. You can have the honor of calling me Sam." He purred as his unsettling smirk grew.

One of his rough hands laid on my shoulder. It was so rough it felt uncomfortable even for me who's lived in the jungle.

"That's lovely," I repeated some things that Peg would say to make people happy.

"Not nearly as lovely as you, little Bella. Even in these rags, you shine like a diamond." He said and I didn't understand a few words but that didn't matter. I didn't feel at ease at all.

"Thank you," I muttered and set down Rayla next to Muru. Once I straightened up just as an arm slid across my shoulders. Gloria started to get even more unsettled and that made me very uneasy.

"You're welcome. I really like your tattoos. They're very attractive and suggestive." He whispered lowly and glanced at where they were. I got the feeling he wasn't interested in the tattoos.

"All of us receive our collarbone or chest tattoos once we are twenty years old. It's to celebrate our transformations into adults and time for us to take an important role in the pack. Some will have fights set up to rearrange the pecking order when it's their time. Most of the girls just get the tattoo." I rambled on trying to keep myself composed.

It was normal for the male in our tribe to glance at your marking because it was proof of who we are. Even when they were interested in being mates they didn't stare this much. It was a sign of little respect so they'd be ignored by all females if they did so.

They'd never find a mate if their eyes roamed every female. The other males would take note and warn the females or set him straight using force. Everyone is respected and protected.

"Really? Do you have a chest tattoo?" He asked grinning with something unsettling flickering in his eyes.

"Collarbone tattoo," I responded looking at Buttface slightly desperate for a reason to run from this creepy male. He squeezed my shoulder lightly but I continued staring straight ahead.

"It looks like Zeke is hogging you all for himself even after the way he treated you at first. The used his foot to lift your hind leg while you were a wolf. All he needed to do was take a deep breath of your delicious scent and he would've known you were a female, little Bella." He purred and stepped closer. Immediately my body acted on its own making me step back.

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