Part 8 - Muru The Ecsape Artist

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(POV: Zeke Bolt)

Finally, I got my niece in bed away from the annoying and loud-mouthed male. Only to turn around and find my nephew cuddling Bella like he used to cuddle my sister, his mom. I moved closer to get a better look as the other man covered them with a blanket. She had fallen asleep already.

Had she been so stressed that it was taking this much of a toll on her body? We were still waiting for her blood test results from the first day she arrived. No one had shot her with a dart and she wouldn't wake up.

'There had to be something wrong with her. It couldn't be stress, could it? She was so... feisty earlier. Even outran me in a crowd with her short legs and carrying an older toddler. What could it be?' I wondered as I looked at the man who was staring at me.

"What?" I asked him and he just crossed his arms. His warm glowing smile had dissolved and his eyes were sharp as they pierced mine.

"We need to talk, Mr. Zeke. Somewhere preferably where we won't wake the children or Trixy." He said in a flat voice before turning on his heel and walking out of the room.

"We can speak in my office," I muttered as I eyed him and lead the way.

'He changed real fast once the twins and Bella fell asleep.' I noted and Raiden was silent as he stayed alert. We quickly arrived at my office which was only down the hall. Unlocking the door, I showed him into the room and my eyes flicked to the enclosure.

It was empty. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt a breath there.

"Instead of interrogating my little sister tomorrow, you can talk to me now." He hissed in my ear and I whipped around to be face to face with him half shifted into a leopard. His tail flicked back and forth as his calculating eyes which were watching every twitch of my muscles.

"What do you mean 'little sister'?" I asked sharply and glared into his brown eyes.

"We grew up together. She saved me from rogues and she has taken care of me since. It's my turn to return the favor." He hissed with his nail turning into claws.

"So you've been just letting her believe you're a wild animal? You are Muru?" I asked to make sure my assumptions were correct.

"Yes, I am her leopard brother, Muru." He confirmed and stayed perfectly still all except his tail.

"I'm sure you have your reasons for hiding this from her. But I would like to know how on earth you got that suit, got into the Gala, found her in roughly a thousand people, and how your knowledge, as well as vocabulary, is so well-tuned." I listed the things off on my fingers.

"A maid thought I was a butler when she found me walking around in your clothes. I suck into the Gala posing as a butler since I was wearing a uniform and stole a tie off a drunk. She was bitten by a Beaked Sea Snake and she had slept for two days so she'd need sugar. Plus, her favorite thing to do is to try new things which also includes food.

My knowledge is extensive as well as my speech since I was trained by her father. He supplied me with books to read. Also, he sent me to observe the Scouts when my idiot sister was knocked out from eating something bad or being bitten." He explained without a moment's hesitation.

"I need to up my security," I muttered moving to my desk to lean back against and kinda sit on. "Wait, she was bitten? When?"

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