Steve fucks up by almost kissing a guy

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Before anyone reads this chapter, what do you think happens? Yeah, Steve nearly fucks up by wanting to kiss Klaus, but what do you think will play out here?



Taking a deep breath, Steve had to close the box, not having enough time to look at the rest of the objects and little scraps of paper in it before he had to put it away with the two books and watch. Taking a little bit of string from the sewing kit that was also from the metal box, he snapped off a bit of thread and tied it to the key so that he could hang it around his neck, then put away the kit, locking the metal box and putting it back into the drawer in the desk. Needing to clear his head, he walked over to the closet, changing into something more comfortable, and walked outside, the sun just barely breaking the sky with a bit of morning gray. Stretching a bit, he nearly walked into Klaus who was walking out of the tent he shared with another soldier in the army and he let out a surprised puff of air as he took a couple steps back.

Klaus looked at Steve with a strange look in his eyes. "What are you doing out here? I didn't think you were coming with me this morning since you looked so tired yesterday." He looked at Steve, worry clear in his stunningly beautiful eyes. "Grant." He placed a gentle hand on Steve's arm. "Please tell me you didn't spend the whole night working again."

Steve flinched away from the hand, terrified at how much Grant and Klaus's relationship reminded him of his and Bucky's. "Of course I didn't. I promise." It physically hurt him to lie to his only friend that wasn't even really his friend, but Klaus had eyes just like Bucky's and it was impossible not to look at them the same way.

Klaus just sighed and started walking, Steve quickly following him, and he started some lighter conversation. "So, I didn't know you owned anything with short sleeves. I thought you were strictly a guy who only wore things that covered everything to the wrist."

Steve shrugged. "I was warm."

Klaus chuckled. "Grant, you never get warm. You would still wear long sleeves in the Amazon Rainforest if you ever went."

Steve scoffed as the two of them started jogging. "I seriously doubt that I would. I would be sweating so much I would flip my wig! What would your excuse be though?"

Klaus looked confused. "My excuse to wear long sleeves in the Rainforest?"

Steve smiled. "No. Your excuse to go."

Klaus paused for a moment as they picked up the pace of their jog. "I don't think that I actually want to go to the Rainforest. Too many bugs. I can deal with crocodiles and wild cats, but man sized bugs are where I draw the line. I want to go to New York City. I heard that there is an inventor from America who is an absolute genius. Just last year, he got a car to fly!"

Steve laughed out loud, thinking about how Howard Stark had done his best. "Come on Klaus! You don't really believe that do you? Mr. Stark only got that car to fly for a few seconds or so. Besides, I don't think that's where the future is going." Steve grinned, maybe he could help out a friend, just a little bit. "Sticking with Mr. Stark is a good idea, just don't count on any flying cars. I'll make you a deal. I get you to New York and you get yourself in with Mr. Stark, you got me? He's a pretty good guy in my book, you've got a chance in his company"

Klaus laughed lightly, both of them at a full sprint now. "If you get me to New York, it would be a miracle! I swear it would be the most amazing thing to ever happen!"

Steve laughed jokingly and grinned. "What can I say, you're my pal! My best buddy! My comrade! My partner in crime! My better half! My life! My everything!"

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