Sherlock - Vatican Cameos

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2 years. 2 years since that idiot decided to kill himself, 2 years to the day.

I dropped my bag on my desk and headed to the cabinet, pulling out a glass and some vodka, I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to john, making sure he was alright, this day was tough for a lot of us. I sent another quick text to Mrs Hudson and put my phone down in front of me.

I'd moved back to America a year after. John had recovered, become a bit more human again and started going on dates once again, last I heard he was in a pretty serious relationship with an amazing woman, Mary.

I poured myself a drink of just straight vodka and put the bottle away, making sure to lock it again.

I checked some work emails, just gun training and an email with my schedule, knowing Mycroft had its perks, he got me a 'transfer', had me doing behind the lines work for the military again.

The clock showed 11:55, so I reached for the glass, raising it in a half-hearted toast before the day technically ended.

"To the bastard that decided to jump off the fucking roof of st Barts" I chuckled out, shaking my head and downing the drink as my phone chimed.

I picked it up and frowned, an unknown number.

The dull noise of a helicopter somewhere outside in the city echoed in the silent apartment.

Quickly I unlocked the phone to see the message.

'Vatican cameos love x'. -SH

I threw myself to the floor and seconds later the glass shattered and a hail of bullets buried itself in the table where I had just been.

I heard my door slam open and scrambled for my gun, pointing it towards the doorway just as a familiar head of curls and a flap of a coat dashed past and slid behind the counter, breathing heavy.

"Lift was broken" he gasped out, grinning slightly and looking around every other second.

"I fucking hate you" I growled out, he looked over "no you don't, besides, the game is on!".

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