Chapter Two

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"Sadly, we have to head back," Ratchet said. He counted all of his chosen Council members and bid them join him at the Ground Bridge. Most of them were Team Prime, so Cliffjumper followed after Arcee. "Remember, just a Ground Bridge away if you ever need us." 

"We'll be sure to visit," Wildstrike said, waving. The rest of the Bee Team nodded in agreement. Ratchet nodded and they turned, walking through the Ground Bridge. 

The new High Council headed off to the council building to sort out the rest of the citizens, though there was already a mob of fans waiting. Silvo and Predaking transformed into their Predacon modes and warned them off, glossa's flicking out threateningly. 

"Why don't you come with us," Jazz said to Cliffjumper as he stood awkwardly near the back. "We could always use an extra set of servos, and will keep the femmes away." 

"Sure," Cliffjumper said, trotting after Jazz. He stayed close as the Predacons' warning began to wear off. He wondered if their interest would die. Or maybe it would help him keep Arcee's attention. He wasn't too interested in trying. 

They made it to the council building with Silvo and Predaking practically escorting them. The doors slammed shut and a quiet whisper was all that remained. Cliffjumper sagged in relief. Peace. He found Arcee's helm in front of Starfreeze but refrained from trying to catch up. She still needed time. 

"Doing good over there?" Jazz said, glancing back at him. Cliffjumper nodded. "Arcee told me you were pretty talkative. Don't seem too eager to start a conversation." 

"Oh, don't worry," Cliffjumper said. "It'll come back. You'll regret saying something." Jazz laughed. 

"Well, I look forward to it. I'm quite social myself," he said. He pointed to a door branching off the hallway they were walking down. "There's where you can stay unless you're scared of the dark." 

"The dark is the least of my worries," Cliffjumper said. 

"I hope so!" Starfreeze shouted to him from the front of the entourage. Cliffjumper shared an optic roll with Jazz before he shuffled off to the room he'd pointed at. It was a humble room, not much else besides a berth and some empty frames around the walls occupying it. Cliffjumper ambled over to the berth and sat down, resting his helm in his servo. 

He was surprised by a knock on his door and he lifted his helm. Arcee poked her helm in and a ping of hope shot through his spark. Had she decided? 

"Can I come in?" she asked quietly. Her tone lowered his hopes slightly and he simply nodded. She slipped inside and closed the door. 

"What's up?" he asked brightly. 

"Well, uh, you know," she said, rubbing her arm. She leaned on the door. "Sort of partly running the High Council as a part of Team Prime..." Cliffjumper frowned, already knowing what was coming. 

"You don't have to buy yourself time," he assured her standing up and walking over. He turned and leaned on the door beside her. "You can take all the time you need. You know I'll wait forever if you really want me to. Might go insane, but you know. Already been a Terrorcon. Can't get much worse than that, can it?" 

"I want you to not regret being brought back to life," Arcee said seriously, turning to face him. Cliffjumper tilted his helm. "I want you to enjoy your life! You've been given a second chance! Not many bots get that." She sighed and looked down. "It's just really hard for me to grasp." 

"Really, 'Cee, it's okay," Cliffjumper assured her, nudging her. She squeezed her arm. "If you need space, I can give that to you too. I really don't want to pressure you. Your decision has to be sincere." He placed his servo tentatively on her shoulder. "And if you don't, like I said, I'll recover. I hope you'll still be my partner." 

"Whether or not," Arcee said, looking back up at him. "You will always be my partner." Cliffjumper's spark warmed and he smiled at her. 

"Okay, go on," he said, ushering her out of his room. "Go enjoy some femme time, if that's what you call it." 

"Primus no!" she shouted after him. Cliffjumper waved, then disappeared into his room. Primus, I love that femme.

Tell Me What You Think (A CliffCee Short Story based off A Prime's Fate)Where stories live. Discover now