~*Part 10*~

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Charlotte's POV

"So this would be 89 right?" Henry's hand brushed against the sheet of paper as he leaned in ever so lightly, trying to see if he had found the correct answer to his math equation. I leaned back on the tree and smiled proudly. I nodded my head and made a small humming sound in response. The small reply came out softly and calmly planting a nice smile on Henry's face.

I watched as he wrote things down. The fall breeze was hitting every side of our faces in a swift motion. I'll admit, it was quite cold but at least it'll prevent me from having an awkward conversation with his parents. I hugged myself in attempt to keep myself warm, pushing my legs towards my chest and wrapped my arms around it. Because my green hoodie most certainly really wasn't doing the job at keeping me at a comfortable temperature. I saw Henry's eyes linger from his paper to my eyes, it stayed there for a second as his face went from proud to concerned in a second. Almost as if he seemed bad for me. His eyebrows were now furrowed together and his face formed a small pout.

"You cold?" He finally spoke out. I nodded my head slowly but not vigorously. He quickly bit his bottom lip and I couldn't help but admire him. The way the wind was blowing his long dirty blonde hair in every direction. And his light brown eyes that were shining in the windy afternoon. I instantly shook my head grabbing me out of my thoughts. Of course I remember that I have a boyfriend. An interesting one to be exact, but I couldn't lie and not say that this boy is attractive.

But that's all he is! Attractive.

Henry's eyes were still gazing on me making me a little uncomfortable. As he caught on his eyes slightly widen and looked away almost immediately. I heard him clear his throat as he turned his head around to look at the dozens of kids playing around us. Some were on their own, seemed about 10 to 13 years old. I watched as they were making little vapour coming out of their mouths holding their index and middle finger out in a peace sign. Bringing it close to their mouths every now and again. I practically rolled my eyes as I caught on to what they were doing. I couldn't help but to look back at Henry to witness his reaction. But instead of an expected reaction, a reaction of disgust, disappointment or even despair! His eyes were instead focused on something else.

I tried my best to follow them as I came across a family. A family of 3. The mom and dad were holding their little girl in each hand as they swung her as they walked. I smiled at the sight feeling a bit giddy at the adorable view. Despite our distance, you could hear the little girls giggles from far away. Lightly echoing around its surrounding areas. I turned my head around to notice Henry's gaze never left theirs. He seemed as if he were deep in thought but I couldn't tell all that much. On his face held a small smile as his face followed the movements of the family. I leaned in, now only a few inches away from his face. I connected my middle finger with my thumb and snapped them together causing Henry to shake his head and turn his face around now paying attention to me.

He looked at me a bit confused before finally nodding his head in understanding. "Right, sorry." He apologized as I couldn't help but to let a small chuckle escape from my lips.
Henry's head bent down to his paper once again as he moved on to the next question. "352." he whispered mostly to himself as he reached in to write it down.

I scrunched my eyebrows together and tapped on his leg gently. He lifted his face slowly and answered with a small hum. Indicating that he was now paying attention. "Can I see your paper for a sec?" I asked him as he nodded his head. He reached his arm out with his binder and I grabbed it in an instant with no hesitation. I placed the binder on my lap and scrolled threw all the multiple choice questions. My eyes widen as I realized

the boy got it all right.

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