*Part 22*

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Staring at the man before me, I was in complete shock. There he sat with 100 pounds added on to him with a gleamed up cigarette in his hand, he only stared at me bemused. His bushy eyebrows raised to the surface above as his eyes squinted with questions.

"Who's asking?" He spoke as I couldn't find my words. I was standing there like a dog, an anxious dog that was keeping it's mouth open to cool down it's body heat. But this time, this dog was really keeping its mouth open as he was flabbergast at the situation upon him. He didn't know what to say.

I didn't know what to say.

"I repeat, who's asking?" Ray said even louder, making me come back to reality. I felt Charlotte clench on my shoulder. Holding it tight as Ray got out the seat and walked towards us. I gently gulped down my saliva, watched as he took his time to walk towards us. I turned my head around to verify on Charlotte. On her face held a nervous stare. The panic in her eyes were evident as I knew all she was thinking of was 'Stranger Danger'. For her this is a complete nightmare, but for me was a daydream I wasn't able to control. I gave her a gentle smile, informing her that everything was okay, that we were in no harm as she only stood there with a nervous smile plastered on her face. Returning my gaze back to the soon to be 40 year old man, he was close, but not too close to inform any type of weirdness.

"17 year old Henry Hart, nice to meet you sir." I grinned politely, taking my out hand for him to shake it. He only looked down at my palm and scoffed in disgust, causing me to retreat my hand in embarrassment. Regardless of the events, I needed an explanation. Life couldn't just have thrown me a completely different Ray with no explanation. The man who once walked in and out of a high school telling kids not to do drugs, the man who was once even more muscular than a gorilla, and yet the same man who was fearless and indestructible. Looking at him now you wouldn't believe anything. His eyes was surrounded with dark circles, almost making him seem like a panda. "Umm, my teammate and I would like to ask you a few questions for our school survey." I smiled yet again as I felt Charlotte's tight grip on my shoulder loosen up.

"Uhuh, what?" I heard her mumble threw clenched teeth. I turned around slightly, now being revealed to her view, she yet again held a small smile on her face as her eyes were fully covered in trepidation. I felt blameworthy as I gave her a knowing look, pleading and begging for her to tag along. I heard her sigh faintly as her eyes rolled, alongside her opened mouth and exposed teeth.

"So, you kids decided to go to the park? Where a bunch of creepy old people can come out to get you at any moment, instead of walking around your neighborhood asking your neighbors to answer those questions for you instead?" He asked with crossed arms. His eyebrows still held up as he stared the both of us down. All I could do was keep quiet as I couldn't find any type of explanation.

"Oh well sir, it's because Henry and I live in a very private area. You see, we only have two neighbors, one of them being each other and another, who aren't the friendliest of all people." Charlotte spoke up unexpectedly causing my face to form in confusion. I turned around to face her. She only stood there with an oscar winning smile, looking at Ray with gentle eyes, hoping that he'd buy her story.

His eyes squinted, and his thumb managed to make contact with his chin. He ended up nodding his head in understanding, causing both Charlotte and I to sigh in relief. The pressure has vanished and a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders. Staring at him plainly, I gulped down the remaining of my saliva. "So, do you mind if-"

"Yeah yeah go ahead." He interrupted aggravated throwing his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, killing the small fire that was climbing its way up to the surface. Looking at the man speechless, it took some time for me to find my words once again. Opening my mouth to speak to the antagonistic man in front of me, I felt my lips quiver and my mouth dry up. At the moment I needed a liquid. Any type of liquid. It would save me from talking with a dry nervous throat.

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