*Part 24*

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As I stood in front of my locker, fitting my green binder into my backpack, I raised an eyebrow as a couple of girls passed threw the halls walking away with weird side glances. The expression on their faces seemed toxic and ganky, sending uncomfortable shivers to run through my spine.

Ignoring their presence, another small group of students passed by with smirks, as others held nervously, but weird glances. I shook my head wondering what's going on and sighed as the cycle only continued.

A few moments later, I heard a familiar female voice call out to me from a distance. It wasn't the female voice that lightened me up every time I heard it, nor the same voice that caused my heart to flutter and my eyes to sparkle. It was rather a voice that made my eyes roll to the back of my head and wished to stay there till she disappeared.

"Henry!" The screech finally found it's way to me as I placed a nice, but very fake smile on my face. There stood Chloe with all her glory, and Jasper following her from behind awkwardly looking at the ground playing with his feet, moving it around in repetitive circles.

"Hi, Chloe." I greeted as I turned around to close my locker. I had no interest in talking to her, I wanted to turn invisible and ignore her presence for the whole day.

"Where were you this weekend?" She asked sternly as I only rose an eyebrow and stared her down with an uninterested look. At this point, I thought she'd understand my body language. Understanding that I wasn't in the mood to communicate and that she'd walk away. But I was wrong. Her stance was harsh and threatening. Her arms crossed tightly as she waited for my response.

"Hanging out with a friend," I mumbled loud enough for her understanding. Her expression changed as I saw her breathing decreased slowly.

"What friend?" Her tone seemed to take a challenging edge. I raised an eyebrow surprised at the sudden mix of change of emotion, her eyes were narrowing up at me with a glaring attitude, scoffing at my words.

"Friend as in Charlotte Page," I replied unmoved as she only nodded her head. It didn't seem as if she believed me. She unfolded her arms from the death fold she held across her chest and bent her arms so they could reach to her pockets. Her hand seemed to grab a rectangular object that resembled a phone. I waited for a moment as Chloe fumbled with her item, swiping left and right, up and down, I looked over at Jasper, he seemed to be disappointed and hurt as his eyes met mine. We could only shrug as Chloe spoke up again.

"Friends huh?" She chuckled dryly. "Then explain this." Turning her mobile device to meet my eyes, I wasn't prepared for the view behold. For the slightest second, I felt my face turn cold, pailing at my complete embarrassment. On Chloe's pairphone held a picture of Charlotte and me, not just any picture, but a picture of us kissing. It was fairly obvious, you could see my hand on her cheek, caressing it softly as Charlotte's head was slightly tilted to the side making it easier to see our connected lips. As Chloe turned off her phone I stuttered as to what to say. How did she even leak those pictures? Was she stalking me at my house? "Your sister posted these on envygram with the caption saying #Couplegoals #Chenry."

With that, my eyes only grew wider as I remembered the pictures she took on her phone at that same very moment. When she took them I didn't think much of it- no. I didn't think of it at all. I completely forgot about it. I was too distracted with Charlotte I forgot to pay attention to the details.

"You and Charlotte are a couple now? Or were you just her side boy while she's dating Jacob." Chloe asked sassily as her arms seemed to have found its way back together again. I glanced passed her direction, now looking at Jasper for help but he only raised his shoulders also waiting for my answer. I bit on my bottom lip, battling with myself not to answer. This could ruin Charlotte's reputation, plus it wasn't that big of a deal if only Chloe and Jasper found out. "Look, Hart, the only thing I want to know is how in the world did you two go from barely knowing each other's names to locking mouths in your KITCHEN in a matter of days." Chloe's voice has seemed to calm down. She looked more as if she was worried or even jealous. There was now a soft glint in her eyes that replaced the old sassy, mean girl glare.

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