*Part 11*

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Charlotte and I were laying peacefully on the grass, letting the fresh air enter our lungs as we were gazing up at the sky watching as all the white clouds were slowly passing by. Charlotte was laying about 4 inches away from me and all I could focus on was her intoxicating sent. I shook my head slowly and focused my attention back on the clouds.

"Oh look at that one! Doesn't it resemble a marshmallow?" I asked distracting myself as I reached an arm out and pointed at a passing cloud.

Charlotte paused for a second and connected her index finger to her chin. She made a small thinking face and that's when I knew I shouldn't be bothering her. "Well, if you really think about it. Doesn't all clouds look like marshmallows?"

It was my turn to pause as I started thinking. "Well... I umm.. I don't think-"

"Oh look a dinosaur!" Charlotte beamed out pointing near the right. I sighed thankfully and made my eyes follow her movements. "The tail right at the end and then the huge jaw right there." Charlotte grinned out happily feeling proud of her discovery. My once small smile was now a full grin as Charlotte's happiness was having an effect on me. I turned my head around to look at her. Her hoodie plastered on the top of her head and the sleeves that were slightly to big for her. Her smile was pleasing as they were shining in the sunset. My mind slowly drifted from reality once again as I was now focusing on her facial features. One facial feature to be exact.

Her lips.

At this point it was tempting. Tempting not to lean over and connect them to mines. I mean, how could I not? They were right there calling out to me. Perfectly waiting for it to be touched. I wanted to, badly at fact. The way they looked so full and soft. Shining from the gloss she wore earlier. I just had to. But I couldn't. There was only one problem that was keeping me away from doing so.

"You know Henry. I really thought I was gonna regret this whole thing. But turns out, you're actually pretty fun to be around with." I heard Charlotte say beneath me. My eyes slightly widen as I felt my heart heat up from the left side of my chest. Despite the cold weather, I felt my cheeks heat up and slightly burning as I kept my gaze up at the cloudy sky. It's been so long since I've felt like this but yet it seemed so familiar... Wait, am I... blushing!?

I took in a deep breath and thought through what I was about to say. I really didn't want to say anything I'll regret later. I kept that thought in my head and ran it at least a thousand times over and over again before preparing myself to let it out. "T-thanks Char." I chuckled lightly as I was now embarrassed. My eyes were still fixed on the sky but I could feel Charlotte's eyes burning a hole on the side of my face.

I heard the little crumbles of grass move as Charlotte reached her arm out and brushed her finger on my nose now turning my head around to meet hers. Charlotte's eyes were not leaving from mines as on her face held a unexplainable emotion. She opened her mouth letting her lips part away from each other. "Char?"

My eyes widen at my sudden realization. I forgot, it just slipped out of my mouth. The way we were talking to each other, and how there wasn't any tension in the room, I think I got a bit too comfortable back there. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it- I mean I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"

"It's cool, I sorta like it. Usually my friends call me Charie. So it's a good change." Charlotte smiled as our gaze never left from each other, I felt under pressured. Her lips were only a few inches from mines as all thoughts vanished away.

'Do it'

Was all that was running through my mind right about now. I swallowed slowly and adverted my eyes back to hers for half a second before placing it back to its original spot. I licked my bottom lip gently to try and satisfy my needs but that didn't help one bit. "You know, I don't have that many guy friends so this could be a nice change." Charlotte smiled as I practically rolled my eyes.

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