Snow White AU

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"Hey little fellas, what's the weeping for?"

Dowoon had just climbed off his horse and saw two of his dwarf friends running to him, weeping their hearts out.

Dowoon was just passing by for a drink like he often did when he went horseback riding in the woods. Usually the dwarfs were joyful and giddy whenever the prince passed by, so this was a shock to him.

The dwarfs pulled him by the hand into their little house.

"Oh Dowoon, he's dead!" one of them cried.

"Who? Who's dead?" Dowoon asked.

In the living room, it was a rather gloomy gathering. The other five dwarfs were all gathered in a circle around a big, glass sort of box. None of them were any more cheerful than the ones that had lead Dowoon inside.

Then, Dowoon noticed that there was a person inside the box. Carefully, Dowoon got closer so he could see the person's face.

"Are you sure he is dead?" Dowoon asked, his voice shaky.

The young man laying in the glass coffin still looked so peaceful and lively, as if he was merely taking an afternoon nap. His hair black as ebony was still shiny as if it had just been combed. His lips were red, just like his rosy cheeks. His fair skin didn't look like it missed a day of cleansing.

"We've tried everything to wake him up," another dwarf sobbed.

"But nothing worked, nothing at all."

"Who is he?" Dowoon asked, entranced by the young man.

He had never seen this face before in his life, but yet he also wondered how he had ever been able to live without.

"His name is Younghyun. He's the son of the king over the hill. He was driven out of the kingdom by his stepmother, who was sick of jealousy that he might take the throne one day. He lived with us for a while, took care of us, became a part of the family. But just like that, we found him dead on the floor one afternoon. We think it was his stepmother who was behind it."

A few minutes of silence followed where Dowoon stared at the motionless prince in the glass coffin, and the dwarfs just sat there, waiting for him to say something.

When he didn't, one of the dwarfs said:

"We put him behind the glass so we didn't have to throw dirt on him the second he passed. It feels weird, having to bury him like that."

"Of course," Dowoon immediately said.

The thought of having to put someone as beautiful, someone as lively while dead, underground sounded awful.

Another moment of silence passed, until Dowoon said:

"I want you to open the coffin up."

"Excuse me?"

"He just can't be. He can't be dead. Just look at him. I need to feel his pulse before I can accept it."

A bit hesitant, the dwarfs lifted the glass plate off the top.

Dowoon bowed over the man, and carefully put his hand in his neck. There was no pulse, but his skin was warm. Dowoon took his dagger from his belt, and put it against Younghyun's slightly parted lips to see if the metal would condense from a breath. But no, no breath left his body any longer. But when Dowoon put the back of his hand against his rosy cheeks, they felt warm just like his neck. And when Dowoon held it for a second, his hand was warm too.

"I will give you whatever money you desire, if you let me take him to my castle. Perhaps our herbalist could take a look at him."

"Sir, he is dead-"

"-I said I need to take him. What do I need to pay you guys?"

The dwarfs looked at each other for a moment, and then told Dowoon he didn't need to pay them anything, as long as he allowed them to come with him, and witness the funeral once it came.

"If you guys take the coffin, I can rest him on my horse," Dowoon said.

A few gasps filled the room when Dowoon lifted the dead, or perhaps sleeping, prince out of the coffin and carried him outside.

"Be careful!" one of the dwarfs called after him.

However, Dowoon hadn't even reached his horse yet before he tripped, stumbled, and almost fell over. He managed to keep himself from falling, but the stumble had shaken Younghyun's body quite a lot, and a gagging sort of sound left his throat.

Suddenly, his muscles contracted when he coughed, and the he opened his eyes.

Dowoon stared at the previously dead man in utter shock, and the dwarfs who had just appeared outside screamed and yelled in both shock and excitement.

"Where am I?" Younghyun groaned.

Dowoon quickly, but carefully, put him down on the ground because he was getting too heavy to carry.

"Younghyun!" the dwarfs exclaimed.

They ran up to him, and for a moment Younghyun almost entirely disappeared behind the dwarfs hugging him, checking the temperature of his forehead, feeling his pulse and yelling how they thought he was dead.

When Younghyun reappeared again, Dowoon saw him holding a piece of bitten off apple in his hand. The sudden movement of when Dowoon almost tripped must've had the piece shoot out of his throat, and made him couch it up. Was it the apple that poisoned him?

"And who are you?" Younghyun asked Dowoon.

"I'm Dowoon, the son of the king in the woods," Dowoon introduced himself.

"I was just passing by when I heard about your death. I couldn't believe somebody deceased still had such red cheeks, such red lips, such warm skin. I had to take you to my castle to have you looked at. But then, I tripped and I think the piece of poisoned apple somehow got removed from your throat."

" saved my life," Younghyun brought out.

As if he had never been dead, he got up from the ground, sprinted towards Dowoon, embraced him, and before Dowoon realized it, their lips were connected.

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