Training begins

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Hundreds of teens stood at attention in neat columns as their Sargent begins his speech.

"The 104th Cadet Corps Boot Camp starts now! I'm your drill sergeant, Keith Sadies. I have no intention of giving you guys a warm welcome. Right now, you are nothing but livestock to feed the Titans. Even less than livestock. I'm going to spend the next three years training you worthless scum. I'll drill into you how to kill titans. In three years, when you stand in front of a titan, it's up for you to decide if you're still livestock or if you're a titan killing soldier that will protect humanity."

Eren's eyes harden. Yes, that is what I'll be. I'll kill every single titan.

Meanwhile, their Sargent has started to move through the line up. He would stop in front of cadets and demand their names and their hometowns. Then he would tell them where to go. He walked right past Akira and Eren without a second glance. They wore matching stone cold expressions.

Everyone stood in shock as Sasha sassed the drill Sargent. The first day, and she pulled something like that?

The cadets watched curiously as she ran. Akira was already starting to memorize there names. Marco and Connie stood to her right. She couldn't remember the girls name.

"I know about some of us, but you never said where you were from, Eren." Akira smiled softly at Marco's words.

"Armin, Mikasa, Eren and I come from Shinganshina."

"Oh, wow. That means..."

"We got to stare those ugly bastards right in the face? Damn right we did."

It wasn't long before everyone crowded them with questions.

"He stick his head over the wall."

"Wait, I heard he stepped over it completely!"

Akira shook her head 'no.' "He drop kicked it. He wasn't quite that big."

"So what did he look like?"

Eren spoke this time. "It had a mouth like a corpse. And no skin, just muscles."

"He looked like something out of an anatomy textbook," Akira added before raising another spoon of soup to her lips.

Eren drops his spoon and covers his mouth and everyone falls silent.

Marco speaks up first. "Sorry, we didn't mean to..."

"It's not like that!" Everyone let out a small gasp. "Those stupid titans. They're really not that big of a deal. If we focus on mastering the Omni-directional mobility gear they give us. Then it's titan payback time!"

"Here we go again." Everyone ignores Akira's comment.

Time skip:

Akira took in a deep breath as she was hosted into the air. She wobbled slightly before steadying herself. With the way her porcelain skin shone in the sun, and the way her black hair framed her face, which held a slight smile, she looked like a doll. That is, till her concentration was broken by Eren. She burst out laughing when she saw him upside down before copying him.

"Guys, look, I'm Eren!" This received some laughs until she was yelled at. Her green eyes met Eren's as she let out another laugh before fixing her stance. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it eventually little bro."

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now