Smoke Signal

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Akira let a smile cross her face as Levi entered the room. "Hey, what's all this commotion about?"

She turned away from the squabbling teens and took off her dirty gloves so she could kiss him properly without him throwing a fit. She smirked slightly as she felt him smile against her. Levi broke away and ran his hand on the underside of the table before humming softly. "I see you remembered to dust it for once. Eren, Kira, come on. Hange wants to get the experiment started."

Akira sighed softly at Levi's simple statement before intertwining her hand with his. "Come on then."

When she came to again, the first thing she noticed were the fingers running through her hair. The eldest Jaeger turned slightly into his touch. "It happened again, didn't it?"

Levi shifted slightly in his chair. "We all knew it would be a bumpy road. The problem is we lack information on the hardening ability."

She forced herself to sit up. "I know." Both were silent for a moment before she tossed him a joking smile. "Hey, maybe we'll find a Titan handbook in my Dad's basement."

The corners of his mouth quirked slightly at her light tone. "Maybe." Levi wished if he could clamber into bed with her and relax for once. He couldn't wait for the need for fighting to end. They were so close. Humanity just had to brace themselves for a little bit longer.

A little bit longer. That's all that was needed, but how many would be sacrificed during that time? Hundreds? Thousands? Would it be worth it in the end? If they knew the costs before hand, would they still go through with it?

Levi didn't know the answers to these questions, he never had and most likely never would. That wouldn't stop him from wishing that he did. It wouldn't stop him from yearning for the need to fight to vanish altogether.

His gaze softened as he eyed his tired girlfriend. Maybe one day, when it was all over, they could settle down together. They could get a small, easy to clean cabin and have a kid or two with his darker hair and her tanned skin and beautiful green eyes. One day...

Levi was brought out of his daydream by Akira nudging him slightly. "What's got you all smiley, aye?"

He ran his fingers through her dark hair one last time before withdrawing his hand. "You." He stood suddenly with a sigh. "I'm sorry, but I need to leave. I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I left. Get some rest, that's an order."

Akira mockingly saluted him. She shifted slowly, like a cat approaching it's prey before she pulled in for a gentle and slow kiss. "Yes sir."

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now