Crushing Blow

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Akira's sea green eyes stared blankly at the tree tops as Eren and the others discussed the Commander's plans. Her head felt better now that she was lying down, but it was still violently throbbing, especially whenever she was in direct sunlight.

Finally, she spoke up, careful to conceal her pain. "It's obvious, isn't it? The commander thinks we have a traitor. That's got to be it, right?"

Gunther frowned at her comment. "A spy? Are you sure?"

Akira closed her eyes as she answered. "It's the only reason I can think of that explains Levi not telling you the plan. And it would explain why I thought the Titan shifter looked familiar..." Her eyebrows furrowed slightly and she frowned. "Now if only I could remember who she reminds me of!"

Petra let out a relieved sigh. "Oh, well, I suppose if that's the case, it just couldn't be helped. And try not to push yourself to hard, Kira. I'm sure you'll get it eventually! Besides, they're about to slice her out anyways."

The redhead was thinking aloud as she tried to come up with answers. "Five years ago was when the first wall fell. Could they be using that fact to narrow down suspects based on the assumption that's when the spy infiltrated us?"

Akira harshly swallowed and forced herself to sit up. "If Eren and I are right...and the Armored and colossal titans are Titan shifters like us...that could mean they could be apart of the scout regiment right now." Her stomach felt as if she had swallowed a bowl full of live snakes.

Eld glanced down, having come up with a similar conclusion. "They most likely killed Sawney and Beane."

A look of realization passed over Petra's face. "The commander...he asked me something weird after that."

Eren's eyes widened. "He asked Akira and me..."

"I," corrected Akira.

"Akira and I something weird too."

Eld crosses his arms. "Maybe we would've been allowed into the operation if we knew the answer. I doubt any of us could have though."

Oulo scoffed confidently. "Well, I knew. I just decided not to say anything. You guys no why?"

" 'Cause you're lying?"

He glared at Akira, who was highfiving Petra.

Eld spoke up again. "Do you two think he was in the wrong?"

Akira slowly stood. "I wish I could say yes. But telling everyone might have caused them to reveal themselves inside of the walls, and that might have wiped out the rest of humanity."

The blonde smiled at her response. "One day, you two will learn why Erwin was put in charge of humanity's hope." His eyes shifted to the eldest Jaeger. "That is, if you don't know already."

Akira smiled softly. Their devotion to Levi is adorable.

An ear piercing scream startled her out of her thoughts. Subconsciously, she got into a fighting stance. She could hear the pounding footsteps. They seemed to be coming from everywhere, all at once.

Scowling, Akira pushes it to the back of her mind. I'm sure they have it handled...

Her eyes followed the blue smoke. See, handled. Everything will be fine. And if it isn't, I'll find a way to save Eren, like always.

A laugh escaped Akira's lips at Eld's statement. Somewhere to her left, Petra let out a mortified shriek. "Why would you tell them that? Are you trying to make them loose respect for me?"

Eld smirked slightly. "And just so you two know, I never pissed myself."

Akira laughed harder when she realized Oulo was just as mortified as Petra.

Another flare went off, and the laughter ceased. As they drew closer, Akira frowned. "Something's wrong. Gunther!"

It was to late. The man had fallen limp, blood soaking through his clothes.

"Eren, What are you doing, come on!"

Akira's frantic eyes scanned the figure that was tailing them. "We can't let her..."

A bright flash of lightning cut her off and her stomach dropped. Despite following orders, she and Eren couldn't take their eyes on the scene behind them.

Akira let out a shriek as the blonde Titan bit Eld in half. Her small body was already making its way back to the battle, weaving through the trees at a blinding speed. Swooping down, the eldest Jaeger rammed Petra's body mid air, just in time to knock her out of the way.

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now